The Atlantic Council is proud of its high-performing, diverse team. The Atlantic Council’s full-time employee and core consultant team is…
- A truly global community: nearly two-thirds speak a language besides English and nearly a quarter are non-US citizens hailing from 37 different countries
- Above the national average in terms of percentage of staff who are Asian and Middle Eastern/North African
- Over twice the national average in terms of percentage of staff who identify as LGBTQ
- Well balanced in terms of gender at most position levels
The Atlantic Council is implementing new recruitment and retention strategies to ensure gender balance at all levels of the Council as well as increase the percentage of our staff who are Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino/Latina, and part of other minority groups.
The Atlantic Council offers an optional survey to its workforce to request demographic information that is used to track progress on our diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. The data as of March 31, 2021 is reflected on this page.*
*As our inclusion and diversity efforts evolve, we plan to report on additional data.
Atlantic Council Workforce Demographic Data
Definition of categories
Atlantic Council (FTEs & Consultants): Full time employees and core consultants
Senior Leadership: Vice Presidents and above
Directors and Fellows: Directors, Deputy Directors, Senior Fellows
Program Managers and Assistants: Associate/Assistant Directors & Program/Projects Assistants
YGP Interns: Young Global Professionals (Paid internship program)
To view the percentages for each category, please hover your cursor over each graph: