EconSource: Donor Pledges for Yemen Increase to $8.2 Billion

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Yemen recently recorded a 3 percent increase in financial pledges from foreign donors, bringing the total to $8.2 billion, at a time when officials anticipate an increase in the rate of fund allocation. New pledges come from Germany ($100 million), the UK ($90 million), the US ($41 million), Japan ($36.5 million) and Sweden ($12 million). [Al-Shorfa]


Almost four years after street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire to protest dire economic conditions in the city of Sidi Bouzid, people in the country’s interior are still struggling to make a living in post-revolution Tunisia. In addition to economic opportunities, education and health in Tunisia’s rural villages are also lagging behind the capital. [Al-Jazeera]


Foreign companies operating in the oil sector have linked increasing their investments to their payment from the Egyptian government, in light of the government’s failure to keep to the repayment schedule that was previously agreed upon. According to an official at one of these foreign companies, the Egyptian government has no choice but to pay its dues if it wants an increase in investments within the sector, which would lead to an increase in oil and gas production rates. [DNE]


As violence escalates in Iraq, neighboring Jordan is facing a dire economic situation. Trade between the two countries, once a pillar of the Jordanian economy, has dropped dramatically. Iraq previously imported 20 percent of Jordan’s total exports, and in 2013, exports from Jordan to Iraq totaled approximately $1.25 billion, according to the Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI). [Al-Jazeera]





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