Follow the latest in economic news and developments about the Arab transition countries.
Jordanian economy is recovering from the crisis in 2012, with support from the IMF and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, QNB has said in a report. International reserves of the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) more than doubled in 2013 and economic activity is now picking up. On this basis, QNB forecasts real GDP growth to accelerate from an estimated 2.9 percent in 2013 to 3.6 percent in 2014 and to average 4.4 percent during 2015-16. [Gulf Times]
Egypt’s finance minister expects 2-2.5 percent growth this year
Egypt’s finance minister said today he expects growth for fiscal year 2013-14 to be between 2-2.5 percent. The newly appointed minister Hany Kadry Dimian said earlier the state’s budget deficit for this fiscal year will be around 12 percent and expected it to stand at 10-10.5 percent in the next fiscal year. [Reuters]
Egypt’s finance minister said today he expects growth for fiscal year 2013-14 to be between 2-2.5 percent. The newly appointed minister Hany Kadry Dimian said earlier the state’s budget deficit for this fiscal year will be around 12 percent and expected it to stand at 10-10.5 percent in the next fiscal year. [Reuters]
Minister of Commerce, Industry and Investment Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour told the Swiss Egyptian Businessmen Association on Tuesday that “the government doubled the incentive package for infrastructure projects and rail and metro lines to EGP 60 billion,” he said. He added that the new policies aim to reduce the budget deficit from the 13.8 percent last fiscal year to 10 percent by the end of this fiscal year. [MENA]
Thanks to its political stability which makes of it a model in the region, Morocco has become a coveted destination for US companies willing to invest in Morocco, said vice-president of African Affairs at the US Chamber of Commerce, Scott Eisner. [MAP, Magharebia]
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From Mahalla- Egypt’s textile strike | Mada Masr
Yemen strengthens social safety net | Al-Monitor
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