News: Rocket from Sinai Strikes Israeli Resort Town

Rocket from Sinai

Israeli Chief of Staff Benny Jants blamed “terrorists” in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula for launching at least one rocket at the Israeli resort town of Eilat on April 5.  The police chief for South Sinai denied reports that rockets were fired from the Sinai.


1) The Egyptian Authority for Migration and Passports issued a statement on Thursday saying that the mother of Salafist presidential candidate, Hazem Saleh Abu Ismail, had a US passport with the number [500611598], a revelation that could disqualify Abu Ismail from the presidential race. [al-Ahram, English, 4/6/2012] 

2) The Salafi Nour Party’s spokesman said that the party will not announce the presidential candidate it will support until the close of the nomination period on April 8. [al-Masry al-Youm, Arabic, 4/6/2012] 


3) Protesters supporting the “Constitution for All” movement and rejecting the makeup of the Islamist-dominated constituent assembly rallied in Tahrir Square on April 6. Protesters began throwing chairs at the supporters of Islamist presidential candidate Hazem Saleh Abu Ismail, whose candidacy has been called into question over his mother’s possession of an American passport, after Abu Ismail took the stage to deliver the Friday sermon.  [al-Masry al-Youm, Arabic, 4/6/2012] 

4) The Salafi Nour Party’s official spokesman said that several members of the constituent assembly who have resigned will retake their seats next week. [al-Masry al-Youm, Arabic, 4/6/2012] 

5) The Journalists’ Syndicate has withdrawn its representatives, Gamal Fahmy, from the constituent assembly, saying that the constitutional process must include the full spectrum of Egypt’s social, political and professional groups. [al-Ahram, English, 4/6/2012] 


6) Israeli Chief of Staff Benny Jants blamed “terrorists” in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula for launching at least one rocket at the Israeli resort town of Eilat on April 5.  The police chief for South Sinai denied reports that rockets were fired from the Sinai. [al-Ahram, English, 4/6/2012] [al-Ahram, English, 4/6/2012] 

Photo Credit: AP

Image: sinairocket.jpg