Mahmoud Khaled, an Egyptian photo-journalist has followed Egypt’s transition, beginning with the very first few days of the protests that swept through Tahrir Square and the nation. In a striking collection of photos taken in Cairo, he shows harrowing moments within the revolution – a Central Security Force officer taking aim, a man, his forehead bandaged, behind him Cairo’s downtown streets littered with the rubble of stones turned into weapons. These photos are followed instantly by images taken in that very same place after the protests had died down, after the streets had been repaved, and all evidence that these streets were once a battleground, is hidden.
Today crowds are gathering in Tahrir Square on the anniversary of the uprising, continuing to call for the same demands of the January 25 Revolution: Bread, freedom, dignity and social justice. Mahmoud had only one thing to say about his photos: The revolution continues.
Mahmoud Khaled is an Egyptian photojournalist, working for local daily newspaper, al-Masry al-Youm. Follow him on Facebook here.
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