Top News: Brotherhood and Salafis Split Over Cabinet Vote

Muslim brotherhood people

The Salafi Nour Party has decided not to withdraw confidence from Kamal Ganzouri’s cabinet, while the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party is still planning to start procedures for a vote of no confidence. Meanwhile, Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Mahmoud Ghozlan said that the SCAF’s “insistence on maintaining Kamal Ganzouri’s cabinet is an attempt to undermine parliament. 


1) Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Mahmoud Ghozlan said that the SCAF’s “insistence on maintaining Kamal Ganzouri’s cabinet is an attempt to undermine parliament.” [al-Shorouk, Arabic, 3/20/2012]

2) The Salafi Nour Party has decided not to withdraw confidence from Kamal Ganzouri’s cabinet, while the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party is still planning to start procedures for a vote of no confidence.  [al-Masry al-Youm, English, 3/202012] 


3) Following parliament’s decision to approve the FJP proposal for the formation of the 100-member constituent assembly – to include 50 current MPs as well as 50 members chosen from outside parliament – non-Islamist political forces have criticized the plan, which they say is the result of “secret deals.” [Bikya Masr, English, 3/20/2012] 


4) Thousands of Coptic Christians and other mourners gathered outside of Saint Mark’s cathedral in Cairo for the funeral of Pope Shenouda III, who died of natural causes on March 17. [al-Arabiya, English, 3/20/2012] 


5) An IMF team has arrived in Cairo to continue negotiations over a $3.2 billion loan. The Muslim Brotherhood has issued a statement calling on the government to develop a clear economic program before taking on any loans, saying, “The program that the government has offered concerning this loan is general and vague.” [Washington Post, English, 3/20/2012] 

6) Egyptian economist Magda Kandil said that the interim government’s proposed reforms can successfully reduce the budget deficit without damaging the economy. Kandil also approved of the government’s proposal to introduce new property taxes as well as taxes on alcohol and cigarettes. [al-Ahram, English, 3/20/2012] 

7) Egypt will borrow $1.2 billion from Japan to build Cairo’s fourth metro line. [al-Ahram, English, 3/20/2012] 

Photo Credit: AP

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