Top News: Egyptian opposition parties merge to form the Conference Party

Top News: Egyptian opposition parties merge to form the Conference Party

As political parties scurry to establish themselves before the parliamentary elections, expected to take place after the constitution is approved, 10 parties have decided to merge and form a single political party, the Conference Party. Around 15 other political parties initially agreed on the idea of an alliance, adding that they would further discuss the proposal of a "full merger" under one party with their executive bureaus before making a final decision. 


‘Civil’ powers unite to form ‘Conference Party’

As political parties scurry to establish themselves before the parliamentary elections, expected to take place after the constitution is approved, 10 parties have decided to merge and form a single political party, the Conference Party. Around 15 other political parties initially agreed on the idea of an alliance, adding that they would further discuss the proposal of a "full merger" under one party with their executive bureaus before making a final decision. Mahmoud Hussein of the Muslim Brotherhood welcomed the formation of the new party. [Egypt Independent, EGYNews (Arabic), Shorouk (Arabic), 9/18/2012]

Former NDP parliamentarians join forces for next polls

Former MPs from the formerly-ruling National Democratic Party have formed a new coalition to compete in the next parliamentary elections. The new bloc has been joined by 77 former MPs, its spokesperson, Mahmoud Nafadi, told Al-Masry Al-Youm. Its leaders say they seek to "counter domination by a single group on political life," as they put it. While some MPs suggested competing in the next elections for the single-winner seats, Khalil said the coalition should also vie for list-based seats in cooperation with other parties, such as the Wehda Party which former MP Mostafa Bakry seeks to establish. [Egypt Independent, 9/18/2012]


1st draft of constitution to be finalized this week: Brotherhood spokesperson

The first draft of Egypt’s new constitution is to be finalised this week, Mahmoud Ghozlan, a Muslim Brotherhood spokesperson, told the Al-Ahram Arabic news website on Monday. The draft will be discussed and revised over the next two weeks and then voted on, he said. However, Ghozlan confirmed that the constituent assembly is still divided on certain articles. The Supreme Administrative Court is to rule on the constitutionality of the assembly on 2 October. If the assembly is dissolved by the court, Ghozlan said, President Mohamed Morsi would form a new assembly with the same composition as the current one. [Ahram Online, 9/17/2012]

Mubarak-era People’s Assembly official referred to trial

The Illicit Gains Authority referred former People’s Assembly Secretary General Sami Mahran to criminal trial on Monday, on charges of amassing illegal wealth, estimated at LE22 million, through influence peddling. Authority President Assem al-Gohary told the state-run newspaper Al-Ahram that the Illicit Gains Authority has been investigating Mahran for over a year, and presented him with official reports over accumulating illegal wealth. [Egypt Independent, 9/18/2012]

Egyptian court sends Copt to prison over anti-Islam post

An Egyptian court on Tuesday sentenced a Christian teacher to six years in prison after convicting him of blasphemy and defamation of President Mohamed Morsy and a plaintiff lawyer, according to Egyptian news reports. Independent daily Al-Watan newspaper said on its website that security has been heightened outside churches in Sohag to preempt any violence in response to the verdict. The public prosecutor also referred the case of 7 other Copts to the criminal court on similar charges. [Egypt Independent, Ahram Gateway (Arabic), 9/18/2012]

Salafist preacher faces legal case for ‘offending’ Egypt’s Morsi

A lawyer, Ghoneim Farouq, filed a complaint, Sunday, to Egypt’s public prosecutor accusing controversial Salafist preacher Wagdi Ghoneim of offending President Mohamed Morsi. In a video circulating social networks, the Salafist scholar condemned the president’s 6 September meeting with Egyptian artists, who he denounced as “promoters of immortality and prostitution.” Ghad al-Thawra party lawyers filed a similar claim against Salafi TV host Khalid Abdullah who first reported the film insulting the Prophet Muhammad. [Ahram Online, AMAY (Arabic), 9/18/2012]


Egypt eyes growth rate of 7.5pct in 3 years: Finance Minister

Egypt’s economy could reach a growth rate of 7.5 per cent during the coming 3 years in addition to creating 750,000 new job opportunities, said Momtaz El-Said the minister of finance on Monday at a conference for funding infrastructure projects, Ahram Arabic-language portal reported Last week the minister of planning and international co-operation stated that Egypt economy grew 2.2 per cent in the 2011/12 financial year that ended 30 June. [Ahram Online, 9/17/2012]

Turkish FM: Turkey to invest US$2 bn in Egypt, supports Morsi on Syria

The Turkish Central Bank plans to deposit US$2 billion in the Central Bank of Egypt, a sum earmarked for funding small and medium-size enterprises, said presidential spokesperson Yasser Ali on Monday. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and President Mohamed Morsi came to this agreement on the sidelines of a meeting of international monitors regarding Syrian refugees, Ali said, adding that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is also planning to visit Egypt soon. [Egypt Independent, 9/17/2012]


Suspects detained in storming MNO camp in Sinai

The district attorney in North Sinai on Monday ordered two who are suspected of assaulting a Multinational Force and Observers camp be detained for four days pending investigations. The state-run MENA news agency reported that a joint force of police and army arrested a man and his son early Monday morning. The two were reported to have confessed to attacking the camp, located in the Jura area east of Arish. [Egypt Independent, Al Jazeera (Arabic), Shorouk (Arabic), 9/18/2012]

Operation Eagle to resume in Sinai after negotiations with jihadis fail

Army and police forces involved in Operation Eagle in Sinai are now on maximum alert after negotiations between a delegation sent there by President Mohamed Morsy and leaders of jihadi groups fell through, said a military source on Monday. The source, a field commander involved in the operation, said security forces intend to resume their strikes against militant elements in Sinai. [Egypt Independent, 9/17/2012]


Nile University president resigns to protest police crackdown on peaceful sit-in

President of Nile University (NU) Tarek Khalil resigns in protest of the violent attack by Egypt’s Central Security forces on a peaceful students’ sit in on Monday, says NU’s spokesman Mohamed Sultan. On Monday, Central Security Forces raided the ongoing sit-in at Nile University (NU) in 6 October City by students and faculty members, arresting at least two students. According to faculty member Mahmoud Allam, a Giza court ordered the sit-in be dispersed. The government denied reports claiming it issued orders to forcibly disperse the protesters. [Ahram Online, Youm 7 (Arabic), al-Watan (Arabic), 9/17/2012]

Egypt sees its first maids syndicate

Officially registered with the Ministry of Manpower in early September, Egypt’s independent syndicate of maids is the first legal body to regulate and protect female domestic workers in the country. The syndicate is the result of an initiative by the Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement (EACPE), which launched a project to protect domestic workers last year. [Ahram Online, 9/17/2012]


Saudi Arabia stays out of regional talks on Syria

Arabia stayed away from a meeting on the Syria crisis convened by regional powers on Monday, setting back a forum grouping Iran – President Bashar al-Assad’s main Middle East ally – and his leading opponents in the region. The "contact group" of Egypt, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia arose from an initiative by Cairo, whose new president is looking to make his mark with what he has described as a balanced Egyptian foreign policy. Diplomats and Western officials have been sceptical that the group can reach any tangible deal on defusing Syria’s civil war. [Reuters, Shorouk (Arabic), 9/17/2012]

Amid unrest, Clinton to lobby lawmakers on Mideast aid

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will lobby U.S. lawmakers this week on the need to keep billions of dollars in aid flowing to Egypt and other countries caught up in a spasm of violent anti-American protests across the Muslim world. The State Department said Clinton intended to meet with Congress later this week to discuss the protests, which saw U.S. diplomatic missions attacked and the U.S. ambassador to Libya killed amid fury over a film produced in the United States that many saw as an insult to Islam. [Reuters, 9/17/2012]

Photo credit: Al Youm Al Sabi`

Image: mu2tamarparty.jpg