Two bombs exploded on Giza Bridge on Friday morning, apparently targeting Central Security Forces (CSF) trucks deployed on the bridge, Al-Ahram reported. Initial investigations show that two improvised bombs were thrown at the same time at a CSF truck, damaging its door and breaking the window of another private car passing by.


Health Ministry bill draws mixed reactions from Doctors Syndicate
Doctors will receive their full bonuses in addition to their February salaries, Health Minister Maha al-Rabat assured on Thursday, according to the state-owned newspaper Al-Ahram. The ministry has earmarked EGP 6 billion for the bonuses. The announcement comes shortly after interim President Adly Mansour issued a presidential decree regulating doctors’ affairs earlier on Thursday, the details of which are not yet known. Rabat said everyone working in the medical field would benefit from the new legislation, which would be applied over the next two fiscal years. But the final draft of the law has not yet been presented to the Doctors Syndicate, board member Ahmed Hussein told Mada Masr. “How can you issue a law pertaining to health care personnel without involving the people in question in the details?” Hussein asked. The final decision would be made by the syndicate. [Mada Masr, 2/6/2014]

State, Brotherhood both ignore reconciliation proposal
Neither the banned Muslim Brotherhood group nor the military-backed interim government have responded to a proposed plan for reconciliation, Hassan Nafaa, the political analyst who had put the initiative forward, said on Thursday. Nafaa, who is also a member for the National Association of Change (NAC), suggested forming what he called a “committee of wise men” comprised of thinkers and decision-makers who would develop general principles to which all involved parties would be obliged to commit. The NAC issued a statement, however, distancing itself from Nafaa’s plan and denying any affiliation with the initiative. Mohamed Nabawy, the spokesperson for the grassroots Tamarod (Rebel) campaign that helped launch the movement that ultimately led to former President Mohamed Morsi’s ouster, said Tamarod also rejected Nafaa’s initiative. April 6 Youth Movement spokesperson Khaled al-Masry said the group would support the initiative, saying the plan was similar to others April 6 had also proposed for national reconciliation. [Mada Masr, 2/6/2014]

Also of Interest:
Egypt welcomes foreign press: Fahmy | DNE


Lawsuit demanding publishing investigation of Two Saints Church attack
The lawyer of the Two Saints Church in Alexandria said the church is currently looking to take new legal actions, including a new lawsuit reported to the Supreme State Security Prosecution with new documents, information and facts to compel the Interior Ministry to announce the inquiries and investigations made to the church case. The Two Saints Church suffered a terrorist bombing on the eve of 2011 new year, which killed twenty-four people and left more than 100 injured. The lawyer, Joseph Malak, said the new documents suggests that certain political trends are involved in the attack, but refused to disclose any further information. He also expressed his fear that the Interior Ministry is ignoring the church’s complaint, as it has previously done. [Egypt Independent, 2/6/2014]

Trial of suspects accused of spying adjourned to March 5
The North Sinai Criminal Court postponed on Wednesday the trial of suspects accused of spying for Israel to 5 March, judicial sources said. The nine suspects, three Egyptians and six Israeli Mossad officers, did not show up, and some of them are not in custody. The prosecution has accused nine suspects, three Egyptians and six Israelis, including four working at Israeli military intelligence of spying for Israel. [Egypt Independent, 2/6/2014]

Also of Interest:
Alexandria Court rejects Nakhnukh appeal, upholds twenty-eight year sentence | Tahrir (Arabic)


Egypt: Ministerial decree to divert 10 percent of revenues to public budget
Minister of Finance Ahmed Galal issued on Thursday a ministerial decree to divert 10 percent of non-governmental funds revenues to the public budget. The decree excluded medicinal purchases and service improvement funds from hospitals. It asked that the nongovernmental funds be received by February 15. Galal also warned against those not obliging the decree, threatening a cutting of 50 percent of funds accounts from the public budget. [Cairo Post 2/7/2014]

Also of interest:
Saudi Arabia, UAE to finance Russian arms deal with Egypt | Egypt Independent
Egypt bets on $14 billion Suez revamp | MGO
Egypt ranked fifty-eighth top exporter to US | DNE
AfDB will not halt loans to Egypt | Asharq Al-Awsat
Suez Canal sets new vessels and cargo record – official | Aswat Masriya
Bourse ends week up on al-Sisi candidacy talk | Ahram Online
Egypt’s bourse gains EGP 3.8 billion at end of week | SIS
Egypt foreign currency reserves up to $17.104 billion in January | SIS


One killed, dozens arrested as Pro-Morsi coalition calls for Friday rallies
The National Alliance to Support Legitimacy, which backs former President Mohamed Morsi, has called on its supporters to take to the streets for week-long rallies starting Friday. The rallies coincide with the anniversary of the ouster of former President Hosni Mubarak in February 2011. Marches on Friday took place in various neighborhoods in Cairo, Alexandria, and other cities across the country under the banner “the people complete their revolution.”  In Alexandria, police forces arrested about thirty-four Muslim Brotherhood supporters, said Major General Nasser al-Abd, head of Alexandria’s police investigations. The arrestees were found in possession of anti-Armed Forces leaflets, petrol bombs, Rabaa symbols, and a live transmission device. Clashes broke out earlier in the Siouf area and Borg al-Arab between security forces and a group of pro-Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators. On the other hand, some local residents hung a large banner opposite to al-Qaed Ibrahim Mosque to salute Alexandria’s security bodies, the Middle East News Agency reported. In Fayoum, clashes between Brotherhood supporters and security forces led to one death and four injuries, while security forces arrested three Morsi supporters on charges of torching a Fayoum police station and killing a police officer. In Cairo, security forces clashed with protesters in Mattariya, Nasr City and Helwan, as well as in Mohandiseen and Media Production City. [Ahram Online, DNE, Aswat Masriya, 2/7/2014]

Also of interest:
Arrest of three Brotherhood members in a security crackdown in Qena | EGYNews (Arabic)
Al-Azhar mosque preacher emphasizes role of youth in community development | EGYNews (Arabic)
Angry Twitter users decry ‘Qasr al-Aini border crossing’ | Mada Masr


Two explosions hit police trucks on Giza Bridge, wounding six
Two bombs exploded on Giza Bridge on Friday morning, apparently targeting Central Security Forces (CSF) trucks deployed on the bridge, Al-Ahram reported. Initial investigations show that two improvised bombs were thrown at the same time at a CSF truck, damaging its door and breaking the window of another private car passing by. The area was sealed off and inspected as ambulances rushed to the scene. Director of Central Security reported that one of the homemade bombs was planted in the troops’ position on the Giza bridge. The Health Ministry said in a statement that the number of people injured in the has reached six, while Egypt’s Interior Ministry said four policemen were injured in the explosion. Al-Masry Al-Youm has published the names of those wounded in the attacks. According to Mada Masr, a new and relatively unknown anti-government group called “Walla3,” with no political or religious affiliations, claimed responsibility for the attacks on its Facebook page. In its statement, it said that the attack was the first in a series of actions they would take against “the deep state.” The authenticity of the page cannot be confirmed. Prime Minister Hazem El-Beblawy condemned the attacks, saying they will not tamper with the safety and security of the country. It also will not stop Egyptians from progressing toward the future, he added. [Ahram Online, Aswat Masriya, Mada Masr, Ahram (Arabic), 2/7/2014]

Also of Interest:
Scrap dealer arrested in Arish in possession of rocket | Shorouk (Arabic)
Egyptian police conscript kills officer: Security official | Ahram Online, AMAY (Arabic), Tahrir (Arabic)
Police officer’s car torched in 6 October city | Ahram Online


UK to boost cooperation with Egypt over recovery of Mubarak-era stolen assets
The UK government plans to send another expert to Egypt to help its authorities recover money stolen during the era of toppled president Hosni Mubarak, Ahram Online has learned. A British-informed source said that the expert works with the Metropolitan Police’s anti-financial crimes department. A UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokesperson told Ahram Online that British Prime Minster David Cameron is “keeping close eyes” on the file regarding asset repatriation. The spokesperson added that the new financial expert “is due to take up her post in Cairo in February to assist the Egyptians with asset-tracing enquiries,” namely helping them determine how Mubarak-era leaders have managed to transfer ill-gained money out of Egypt. [Ahram Online, 2/7/2014]

UK, EU concerned by press restrictions in Egypt
British Foreign Secretary William Hague said he was “very concerned” about “increasing restrictions placed upon journalists and the media in Egypt.” In a press release issued on Thursday, Hague highlighted the indictment of a group of Al-Jazeera journalists, two of whom are British. “We have raised our concerns about these cases and freedom of expression at a senior level with the Egyptian government in recent days,” he added, saying that those concerns would be discussed with other European foreign ministers at the European Foreign Affairs Council on Monday. Meanwhile, in a statement on Thursday, members of the European Parliament urged all the political actors and security forces in Egypt to show the utmost restraint and avoid provocation and further violence, in a vote at the Parliament today. The interim authorities and security forces must ensure the security of all citizens, and commit to dialogue and non-violence, and to respecting their obligations, they said. They called for an immediate end to all acts of violence, harassment or intimidation against political opponents, journalists, trade unions and civil society representatives. The interim government must guarantee that these actors, both domestic and international, can operate freely in the country, the statement added. [DNE, UPI, Aswat Masriya (Arabic), 2/7/2014]