From AFP: The 39 lawmakers, all Republican foes of the White House, said in a letter to [President Barack] Obama that they were "concerned" Russia would exploit his desire for bilateral cooperation on the issue to "undermine" US national security.
The group, led by Republican Senator Mark Kirk, warned against giving Moscow any right to veto use of the shield or providing Russia with "access to America’s most sensitive missile defense data and technology. …"
"In our view, any agreement that would allow Russia to influence the defense of the United States or our allies, to say nothing of a ‘red button‘ or veto, would constitute a failure of leadership," they said. …
"We therefore ask for your written assurances that your Administration will not provide Russia with any access to sensitive US data, including early warning, detection, tracking, targeting, and telemetry data, sensors or common operational picture data, or American hit-to-kill missile defense technology." (photo: Bluewire Media)
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