Commander of NATO Training Mission Afghanistan addresses EU

LTG William B. Caldwell, IV. Commander, NATO Training Mission Afghanistan, March 3, 2010.

From William B. Caldwell, NATO Training Mission Afghanistan:  Police professionals of EU nations have qualities that make them invaluable to the police training mission. Their strength does not lie in their nations’ GDPs…but in their remarkable people. EUPOL possesses and trains the ministerial level expertise in criminal investigation, intelligence-led policing, anti-corruption capabilities, judicial cooperation and coordination, and gender and Human rights that will allow the international community to see transparency in the Afghan institutions and continue its support. 

EUPOL and NTM-A must maintain the strong relationship we have built over the past 16 months. This includes further contributions of police trainers. We are still critically short of the specialized trainers required to accelerate the progress achieved over the last year. Only organizations like EUPOL have the organizational capability and professional capacity to develop the Afghan National Police to the next level. Only you can provide the expertise to develop the police and logistics skills within the Police necessary to create a self-sustaining force capable of serving and protecting the people of Afghanistan.
We encourage EUPOL to consider more and different ways to continue our cooperation, collaboration, and coordination to enhance the training we provide to the Afghan National Police.
Excerpt from Address to the European Union by LTG William B. Caldwell, IV. Commander, NATO Training Mission Afghanistan. (photo: NATO)

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