Cyber group Anonymous sends message to NATO: “You stand in our way”

Anonymous is an internet group associated with cyber hacktivism

From Circle of 13:  Good evening, NATO.  We are Anonymous.

It has come to our attention that a NATO draft report has classified Anonymous a potential "threat to member states’ security," and that you seek retaliation against us.

It is true that Anonymous has committed what you would call ‘cyber-attacks’ in protest against several military contractors, companies, lawmakers, and governments, and has continuously sought to fight against threats to our freedoms on the Internet. And since you consider state control of the Internet to be in the best interest of the various nations of your military alliance, you therefore consider us a potential threat to international security.

So we would like to make it clear that we, in reality, pose no threat to the people of your nations. Anonymous is not a reckless swarm attacking the websites of governments and companies out of hatred or spite. We fight for freedom. For ourselves, and the people of the world, we seek to preserve the liberty granted to the millions of people who have found it on the Internet. . . .

Anonymous is not simply "a group of super hackers." Anonymous is the embodiment of freedom on the web. We exist as a result of the Internet, and humanity itself. This frightens you. It only seems natural that it would. Governments, corporations, and militaries know how to control individuals. It frustrates you that you do not control us. We have moved to a world where our freedom is in our own hands. We owe you nothing for it. We stand for freedom for every person around the world. You stand in our way. . . .

So come at me bro. You can retaliate against us in any manner you choose. Lock down the web. Throw us in prison. Take it all away from us. Anonymous will live on.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.


A slightly different wording of the message was also posted on  (photo: (via: Jason Healey and Clay Johnson)

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