Defense Ministers approve NATO reforms

Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen speaking to NATO Defense Ministers, June 9, 2011.

From Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO:  NATO Defence Ministers have just approved a set of important reforms. They will make NATO leaner, more flexible, and better able to deal with future challenges.

We have agreed to streamline the agencies which run individual NATO projects, such as ground surveillance and strategic airlift.

As a result, our agencies will become simpler in structure, while staying effective in their work.

And we have agreed to re-shape NATO’s command structure, making it more efficient, more deployable, and more compact.

Some headquarters will close. Others will move or change their role.

Together, these reforms will make NATO more affordable – offering even better value for our Allies’ money.

They will make NATO more effective – focusing on the capabilities and command systems we need.  

Above all, they will deliver an Alliance which is fit for the future – defending us against the threats of today, and of tomorrow.

Statement by the NATO Secretary General on Agency and Command structure reform. (photo: Reuters)



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