From Jay Loschky, GALLUP: Nearly all Libyans (95%) surveyed early this spring, before Tuesday’s deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, agreed that local militias should be required to hand in their weapons to authorities immediately.
[T]he majority of Libyans see Islamic militant groups and Gadhafi loyalists as a major threat to their country’s future. Still, Libyans are among the most hopeful populations in the Arab world that regional uprisings will actually bring about improved security, governance, and economic prospects — and many see a role for the West in helping them achieve this. In fact, Libyans reported record-high approval of U.S. leadership in March and early April, and they expressed a strong desire to cooperate militarily with the West at that time.
From AP: More than 10,000 Libyans are marching through the eastern city of Benghazi, demanding the disbanding of powerful militias that run rampant in the city. . . .
The crowd of men, women and children chanted, "No, no to militias" and carried signs and banners reading, "Where is the army? Where is the police?" and "Benghazi is in a trap." (photo: AFP)