From Allied Command Operations: A groundbreaking ceremony for the future home for the NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ) was conducted Monday 29th November 2010 at SHAPE. The future facility will provide operational support, training and headquarters facilities for NSHQ, previously known as the Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre.
This event followed the formal standing-up of NSHQ held on the 22nd of November. During that event, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), Admiral James Stavridis, officially handed a "unit” flag to the NSHQ Commander and Director, Special Operations Office (DSOO), LieutenantGeneral (US) Frank J Kisner. …
The NSHQ serves as the primary point of direction and coordination for all NATO Special Operations-related activities in order to optimize employment of special operations forces (SOF) to include providing an operational command capability when directed by SACEUR. The NSHQ is the Alliance SOF proponent for NATO SOF policy, standards, doctrine, training, education and assessments. Additionally, the NSHQ maintains and develops a robust operational command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) capability equipped with organic SOF enablers to ensure interoperability and enhance employment of NATO Special Operations. (photo: Allied Command Operations)