From Simon Rogers, the Guardian: [W]ho’s contributing to Operation Unified Protector? That’s the official name for the attacks on the Gadaffi regime’s bases and tanks by Nato aircraft and ships, plus the enforcement of the no-fly zone and the arms embargo.
Data journalism can help us find out. Nato, which has been running operations in Libya since the beginning of April, doesn’t give out details of individual member’s efforts so we went to each country’s defence ministry direct to find out for ourselves.
We wanted to know the answers to some specific questions, ending at the end of the first week of May. We set some very specific parameters: details for the first week of operations, operations taking place week commencing 2 May and totals for the whole operation, ending 5 May. We asked each country:
• How many aircraft, ships and military personnel are in the region?
• How many attacks and sorties has each country been involved in?
• Which base are they operating from?
By combining official responses, scraping the defence ministry websites of each country and news reports, we assembled the most complete breakdown of the Nato operation yet published. . . .
Nato operations in Libya by country
Country; # of personnel; # of air-craft; # of sorties flown; # of cruise missiles fired
Belgium 170 6 60
Bulgaria 160 0 0
Canada 560 11 358
Denmark 120 4 161 0
France 800 29 1,200
Greece 0 0 0
Italy 12 600
Jordan 30 12
Netherlands 200 7
Norway 140 6 100
Qatar 60 8
Romania 205
Spain 500 7
Sweden 122 8 78 0
Turkey 6
UAE 35 12
UK 1300 28 1,300 18
US 8507 153 2,000 228
TOTALS 12,909 309 5,857 246
Download this data. (graphic: Guardian)
Image: Guardian%205%2023%2011%20Libya%20national%20contributions.jpg