From the New Atlanticist: As NATO prepares a new Strategic Concept, the Alliance must address the dangerous prospect of a new and direct security threat: Iran, under the grip of a hostile and authoritarian leadership, armed with and emboldened by nuclear weapons…
NATO should reinforce its ability to protect its territory, population, and regional interests. This requires military capabilities to project force, ensure the security of energy supplies, and conduct operations despite the threat or use of nuclear weapons. This requires missile defenses that can protect Alliance territory and deployed forces. This requires command and control and logistical arrangements, perhaps taking advantage of existing U.S. and French bases in the Gulf countries…
NATO should consider the impact on its own nuclear policy. NATO allies have already dramatically reduced their nuclear forces, particularly in Europe, and most are attracted by the vision of a nuclear free world. However, the Alliance cannot rush to become nuclear free when nuclear dangers mount in the range of the Shahab 3 or future Iranian missiles. NATO’s nuclear forces may still have an important contribution to make in deterring Iran’s leaders from trying to exploit new nuclear arms and in reassuring allies and partners who might otherwise seek their own atom bombs. (graphic: New Atlanticist)