
From Kuwait News Agency:  The Kuwaiti Army’s Chief of Staff Sheikh Khaled Jarrah Al-Sabah received here Thursday a senior NATO delegation, currently on an official visit to Kuwait.

The NATO delegation included NATO Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (DSACT) General Mieczyslaw Bieniek and NATO Deputy Chief of Staff Military Cooperation Major General Sandor Fucsku.

Sheikh Khaled discussed with the NATO officials strengthening bilateral military cooperation as well as several military issues of common concern. 

From Habib Toumi, Gulf News:  Kuwait joined the ICI in December 2004, followed by Bahrain and Qatar in February 2005 and the UAE in June 2005.

In 2006, Kuwait became the first ICI country to host the North Atlantic Council (NAC) for a conference on cooperation with Gulf Countries. The NAC later took part in conferences in Bahrain in 2008 and in the UAE in 2009.

In December, Kuwait announced that it allocated a piece of land to Nato in Kuwait as part of the ICI.  (photo: KUNA)