From Baltic News Service: Dependence on the Russian gas concern Gazprom poses the biggest threat to Lithuania’s energy security, and the natural gas sector is the most vulnerable energy sector , reads a report of 2012 operations published by the State Security Department on Friday.
“A special threat to Lithuania’s energy security comes from the country’s dependence on the single natural gas supplier – Gazprom of the Russian Federation – and its gas prices and supply conditions. The natural gas sector is the most vulnerable sector of the Lithuanian energy, as Lithuania remains dependent on Gazprom in terms of technology and economy,” reads the document published by the State Security Department.
According to the report, problems related with gas pricing and accumulation of reserves have remains important, regardless of the gas sector reforms launched in Lithuania last year and related projects. . . .
“By manipulating prices of energy resources and negotiating packages, Russia aims to make Lithuania and other counties energy dependent on its energy supplies for as long as possible. Russia is likely to continue its efforts to bar the emergence of alternative energy suppliers,” reads the report. (photo: EPA) (via Eitvydas Bajarunas)
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