From Svetlana Jovanovska, Martin Trenevski, the newly appointed Macedonian representative to Brussels’ Nato headquarters, has given offence even before his term of office starts on 1 September.
The alliance is inflicting “political and economic aggression upon our country” by giving support to Greece in the long-raging dispute between Macedonia and its rival neighbour, he explained to his countrymen. His will ask Nato to “correct the Bucharest summit conclusions and change its position towards Macedonia,” he said during the presentation of his programme in parliament. …
For Mr Trenevski, the Bucharest Summit conclusions asking Macedonia to solve its name issue before joining Nato amount to a “bureaucratic approach to the problem” which then became “a political position of the alliance.” He now hopes to find sympathy for his country’s position within Nato. Slovenia, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Baltic countries and Poland particularly are among those he expects to lobby successfully.
Looking at the wider picture, the future representative is convinced that Nato faces a serious geo-strategic and military crisis. In view of the alliance’s big losses in Afghanistan, Macedonia should capitalise on its value by insisting that the enlargement process be continued to include countries like Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia which fulfil Nato standards. …
For socialist opposition MEP Igor Ivanovski, Mr Trenevski’s “vision” is radical and reflects positions the government does not say openly. “God help us with an ambassador like you in Nato”, said Mr Ivanovski, advising Mr Trenevski to rather not to go to Brussels if he continues to promote these positions. (photo: AP)