July 26, was the first meeting of the special committee tasked by French President François Hollande to prepare a new White Paper on Defense and National Security. According to Hollande, the objective of the committee "is to define our defence strategy and force capabilities for the next 15 years, based on our analysis of the threats in a particularly unstable world facing a plethora of challenges."
The chairman of the commission is Jean-Marie Guehenno, Director of the Center for International Conflict Resolution at Columbia University and until recently Deputy UN Special Envoy to Syria. Hollande invited two non-French experts to participate in the White Paper committee, Wolfgang Ischinger (Chairman of the Munich Conference for Security Policy) and Peter Ricketts (Britain’s ambassador to France). The committee is expected to submit the White Paper to Hollande by the end of the year.
From Romain Mielcarek, ActuDefense: Members of the Defence and National Security White Paper Commitee
Patricia Adam, MP and president of the PS Committee on National Defence and Armed Forces of the National Assembly.
Jean-Louis Carrère, PS Senator and Chairman of the Foreign and Defense Committee of the Senate.
Christophe Guilloteau, UMP deputy secretary of the Rhone and the Committee on National Defence and Armed Forces.
Eduardo Cypel Rihan, PS deputy for Seine-et-Marne and member of the Committee on National Defence and Armed Forces.
Reiner, PS Senator and Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces.
A mystery senator whose name is still unknown …
Francis Delon, general secretary of defense and national security.
Ange Mancini, national intelligence coordinator.
Foreign Ministry
Pierre Sellal, Secretary.
Jacques Audibert, Director General of Political Affairs and Security.
Jean-Pierre Casa, director of the European Union.
Maisonnave Patrick, Director of Strategic Affairs, Security and Disarmament.
Maïla Joseph, Director of Foresight.
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ramon Fernandez, CEO of the treasure.
Julien Dubertret, budget director.
Ministry of Economy and Finance and Ministry of Productive Recovery
Jean-Dominique Comolli, director of the agency of state ownership.
Ministry of Interior
Claude Baland, CEO of the National Police.
General Jacques Mignaux, CEO of the National Gendarmerie.
Jean-Paul Kihl, managing director of emergency preparedness and crisis management.
Calvar Patrick, director of central intelligence inside.
Ministry of Productive Recovery
Luc Rousseau, Director General of competitiveness, industry and services.
Ministry of Defence
Jean-Claude Mallet, advisor to the Minister.
Admiral Edouard Guillaud, Chief of Defence Staff.
Laurent Collet-Billon, delegate general for armament.
Jean-Paul Bodin, Secretary General for Administration.
General Bertrand Ract-Madoux Chief of Staff of the Army.
Admiral Bernard Rogel, Chief of Naval Staff.
General Jean-Paul Paloméros, Chief of Staff of the Air Force.
General Pierre de Villiers, Army General Staff.
DeMangoux Erard Corbin, Director General of External Security.
Miraillet Michel, Director for Strategic Affairs.
Ministry of Higher Education and Research
Roger Genet, general manager for research and innovation.
Ministry of Overseas
Vincent Bouvier, Delegate General for Overseas.
Additional members
Claude-France Arnould, executive director of the European Defence Agency.
Jean-Francois Bayart, research director at the National Center for Scientific Research.
Bernard Bigot, deputy head of the Atomic Energy Commission and Alternative Energies.
Jean-Pierre Filiu, professor, associate professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.
Louis Gautier, Senior Member of the Court of Auditors.
Nicole Gnesotto, Professor Chair of the European Union at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts.
Francois Heisbourg, special adviser to the president of the Foundation for Strategic Research.
Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Conference for Security Policy.
Philippe Lamy, general inspector of the city of Paris.
Sophie-Caroline de Margerie, State Councillor.
Peter Ricketts, Ambassador of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in France.
Bruno Tertrais, senior fellow at the Foundation for Strategic Research.
Former foreign minister Hubert Vedrine will also attend meetings of the committe as part of his review of France’s membership in NATO’s integrated military command and France’s relationship with the United States. (photo: ActuDefense)