From NATO: NATO Ministers recalled the agreement of Heads of State and Government at the 2008 Bucharest Summit that Georgia will become a member of NATO, and reaffirmed all elements of that decision, as well as subsequent decisions. …
NATO Ministers expressed strong appreciation for Georgia’s substantial contribution to Euro-Atlantic security, including Georgia’s efforts as the second largest non-NATO troop contributor nation to ISAF. They expressed their gratitude to all the Georgian servicemen who have served in ISAF, and extended their deepest sympathies to the families of those Georgian soldiers who lost their lives or were injured on this mission. …
NATO Ministers welcomed the steady progress Georgia has shown in implementing its ANP. NATO Ministers welcomed the overall positive dynamic in Georgia’s democratic development. At the same time, they noted that work remains to be done for the Georgian Government to adopt and implement necessary reforms, and to cooperate with the opposition on implementing democratic reforms. NATO Ministers stressed the importance of electoral reform in view of the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2012. They also encouraged Georgia to continue to strengthen the rule of law and the role of civil society, as well as continue to deepen reforms regarding the judiciary and the media. …
NATO Ministers expressed their appreciation for Georgia’s commitment to consult with Allies on key strategic and planning documents. …
Foreign Minister Vashadze reaffirmed Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, outlined the Georgian Government’s efforts to deepen reforms under the Annual National Programme and reaffirmed its commitment to implement these reforms. He reiterated Georgia’s concern over the Russian military build-up in the South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions of Georgia. He reaffirmed Georgia’s commitment to peaceful conflict resolution; Georgia’s pledge in line with international law not to use force; full implementation of obligations under the EU-mediated cease-fire agreement by Georgia; full cooperation with the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM); the implementation of the “State Strategy on the Occupied Territories” with its Action Plan and constructive participation in the Geneva talks.
NATO Ministers welcomed Georgia’s pledge not to use force and Georgia’s full compliance with the EU-mediated cease-fire agreement. While noting the withdrawal of the checkpoint in Perevi as a first step, NATO Ministers recalled the decisions taken at the Lisbon Summit, notably the decision to urge Russia to meet its commitments with respect to Georgia, as mediated by the European Union on 12 August and 8 September 20081. NATO Ministers welcomed the Georgian Government’s engagement with the populations of the South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions of Georgia and encouraged Georgia’s further engagement with these regions.
Excerpts from joint statement by the NATO-Georgia Commission at the level of Foreign Ministers in Berlin. (photo: Reuters)