NATO Chief Calls Attention to Cyber Threats

From the AP:  NATO is facing new threats in cyberspace that cannot be met by lining up soldiers and tanks, the alliance’s secretary-general said Thursday in an apparent reference to terror groups and criminal networks.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen said there were several international actors who want "to know what’s going on inside NATO, and they also use cyberspace to achieve their goals."

He refused to give details or name groups except to say there were "many of them."

"It’s really a broad range of threats. There are many actors in cyberspace, and we have to develop a capacity to protect ourselves against those attacks," Fogh Rasmussen told reporters on the sidelines of a one-day NATO seminar in Helsinki…

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said there is "no peace" in cyberspace.

"There are terrorists, spies, subversive attempts, ongoing attacks as well as preparations for much more disruptive and destructive operations," Bildt said. "There will be no security for our societies if we can’t secure both our cyberspace and our orbital space."  (photo:  Martti Lehtikuva/AP)

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