NATO makes final decision to end Libya operation on October 31


From Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO:  Today, we confirmed the decision taken by the North Atlantic Council a week ago. Our operation for Libya will end on October 31. Until then, together with our partners, we will continue to monitor the situation. And if needed, we will continue to respond to threats to civilians.

We have fully complied with the historic mandate of the United Nations to protect the people of Libya, to enforce the no-fly zone and the arms embargo. Operation Unified Protector is one of the most successful in NATO history.

We launched this complex operation faster than ever before.  We conducted it effectively, flexibly and precisely with many partners from the region and beyond. And we are concluding it in a considered and controlled manner — because our military job is now done.  

I want to thank our commanders and our  servicemen and women, for conducting this mission so well, so carefully and with such dedication.  

We have done this together for the people of Libya. So they can take their future firmly and safely into their own hands. Libyans have now liberated their country. And they have transformed the region. This is their victory.

Of course, they still have a lot of work to do – to build a new Libya, based on reconciliation, human rights and the rule of law. A democratic Libya for all its people.

But the world stands with them. And NATO stands ready to help, if needed and requested. To help Libyans reform the security and defence institutions that all  democracies need to remain free and safe. 

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s statement on end of Libya mission.  (photo: NATO)

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