As part of the United States’ ongoing consultations with our allies and partners in Europe and beyond, President Obama will travel to the Netherlands, Belgium, and Italy in March 2014. While in the Netherlands on March 24-25, the President will participate in the Nuclear Security Summit, hosted by the Dutch government, where world leaders will highlight progress made to secure nuclear materials and commit to future steps to prevent nuclear terrorism. He will also hold bilateral events with Dutch officials.
From the Netherlands, the President will travel to Brussels on March 26 for a U.S.-EU Summit with the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission. This will be President Obama’s first visit to the EU institutions. While in Belgium, the President will also hold bilateral events with Belgian Government officials and with the NATO Secretary General.
The President will continue on to Vatican City on March 27 to meet with His Holiness, Pope Francis. The President looks forward to discussing with Pope Francis their shared commitment to fighting poverty and growing inequality. In Rome, the President will meet with President Napolitano and Prime Minister Letta.
Image: US-EU Summit, November 20, 2010 (photo: Office of the President of the European Council)