Russia Negotiating for Mistral “With All the Goodies”

From RIA Novosti:  Russia and France have not yet agreed on the purchase of a French helicopter carrier for the Russian Navy, a Russian deputy defense minister said on Wednesday. …

"We are still in talks on a wide range of issues related to the purchase of French ships of this class. Primarily, these are questions of the cost, quantity, and onboard equipment," Vladimir Popovkin said.

Popovkin reiterated that Russia wanted to buy only one ship and build three more under the French license at Russian shipyards, while France planned to sell two vessels and license the construction of the remaining two ships.

"For example with the controversial Mistral, our condition is that one ship will be constructed there [in France], and the assembly of the remaining ships at our shipyards with the transfer of technology, and not just a hull, but with all the ‘goodies’,” he said.  (photo:  AP)

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