From NATO: Lt. Gen. Babacar Gaye, the Military Advisor of the United Nations met with NATO’s Military Committee. This was the second visit of a UN Military Advisor to NATO headquarters for an exchange of views on NATO-UN cooperation.
Lt. Gen. Gaye informed NATO Military Representatives on the current UN peacekeeping missions and the military capability challenges they face. In addition, he elaborated on the United Nations’ “Operational Readiness”-concept for military forces taking part in UN peacekeeping operations. The concept of “Operational Readiness” and NATO’s long standing efforts to increase interoperability between the different national forces and assets, share the same goal: increase efficiency among operational partners.
Lt. Gen. Walter E. Gasking, Deputy Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee, thanked Lt. Gen. Gaye for the good coordination and cooperation between NATO and the UN at all levels. He also emphasized the continuing need for sharing information between the two organizations, leading to further transparency.
In addition Lt. Gen. Babacar Gaye met with the Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee, Adm. Giampaolo Di Paola, and the Director-General of the International Military Staff, Lt. Gen. Jürgen Bornemann. (photo: Africa Defense Journal)
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