US Predator attacked Gaddafi convoy also targeted by French jet

Predator unmanned aerial vehicle

From AFP:  A US defence official says a US Predator drone along with a French fighter jet had attacked a convoy of vehicles in Libya that Paris believed was carrying Muammar Gaddafi.

French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet had earlier revealed that a French Mirage-2000 fired a warning shot at a column of several dozen vehicles fleeing Sirte.

The US defence official said the unmanned Predator aircraft had struck "the same convoy" but could not confirm that Gaddafi was in one of the vehicles.

From Jim Miklaszewski, MSNBC:  A U.S. Predator drone fired a Hellfire missile at the 15-vehicle convoy carrying former Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi as he attempted to flee his hometown of Sirte, U.S. officials told NBC News.  (photo: Lt.Col. Leslie Pratt/USAF)

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