From Allied Command Operations: On 26 June 2012, SACEUR, Admiral James Stavridis, spoke at the TEDGlobal 2012 Conference in Edinburg, Scotland; title of his remarks "Open-Source Security."
In his remarks, Admiral Stavridis looked back over the history of the 20th Century demonstrating that 20th Century security was defined by the walls that were built between Nations, "We keep building walls: The Maginot Line, The Berlin Wall, the Iron Curtain. But "Walls don’t work.” The Admiral contiued to say that 21st Century security cannot be about walls, that is must be about building bridges between people, organizations, and nations, "Open-source security is about connecting the international, the interagency, the private and public — and lashing it together with strategic communication largely in social networks.” (photo: Allied Command Operations)