TTIP: Big Opportunities for Small Business
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in both the United States and European Union stand to gain significantly from the implementation of an ambitious Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership. Using data from a targeted survey and interviews conducted with SME executives on both sides of the Atlantic, the report “TTIP: Big Opportunities for Small Business” cites three core challenges for SMEs as they begin exporting: a lack of clarity on how to get started, problems finding the right clients, and a confusing mix of regulatory differences and contradictory registration requirements between the United States and the European Union.
This study, authored by Global Business and Economics Program Associate Director Garrett Workman, is intended to ensure that the agreement adequately responds to the concerns of real world problems faced by small businesses on both sides of the Atlantic. With that in mind, our new report uses a case study approach, examining the export experiences of American and European businesses from a range of industries to identify concrete challenges that SMEs must overcome when trying to trade across the Atlantic. By identifying the most significant challenges, we can outline specific policy recommendations to ensure TTIP helps to remove the roadblocks.
Read the full report here.
The launch of the report is on November 14, in Washington DC at the Atlantic Council headquarters, featuring Congressman and Co-chair, Congressional TTIP Caucus Erik Paulsen as a keynote speaker. To RSVP and for more information, please click here or join us via webcast.
Fedex offers an analysis of the report.
Speeches and Official Announcements
TRADE: Murray Calls for Bipartisan Work to Promote Trade, Global Competitiveness
“International trade plays an important role in our competitiveness agenda, and is an issue Democrats and Republicans have been able to find common ground on before. Trade Promotion Authority allows Congress to clearly convey our priorities for trade negotiations to the Administration. And by laying out those priorities and a framework for further discussion, we can set the stage for increasing exports and supporting good-paying jobs here at home.”
On Monday November 10, US Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) spoke at the Washington Council on International Trade Conference and called for bipartisan cooperation to promote trade and global competitiveness. He especially highlighted the importance of Trade Promotion Authority for the conclusion of outstanding trade deals, the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank, and a long-term solution to reform the Harbor Maintenance Tax. (United States Senator Patty Murray)
EU Trade Commissioner Malmström Visits Berlin
“With regards to TTIP, my first task as Commissioner will be to look in detail, how we can make the negotiations as transparent as possible. We need to take all concerns seriously and explain that we will not lower our standards. However, we must not lose sigh of the bigger picture: This deal [TTIP] would bring Europe growth and jobs, especially for the small and medium enterprises”. – Cecilia Malmström (German Delegation to the European Commission) – Original statement in German
On November 10, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström met with Germany’s Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel in Berlin. In their discussion, they mainly focused on CETA and TTIP negotiations. Sigmar Gabriel praised Commissioner Malmström’s outreach to the European member states as well as her efforts to make TTIP negotiations more transparent. (European Commission)
To listen to the full press statements of EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström met with Germany’s Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel, click here. – Interview in German
During her visit to Germany, Cecilia Malmström was interviewed by the German television station ZDF about transparency and national standards in TTIP negotiations. She made clear that standards will not be lowered and there is nothing to hide in TTIP negotiations. (ZDF Heute) – Interview in German
Outreach – A Fresh Start: EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström to Meet Civil Society to Discuss EU Trade Policy
“I look forward to discussing with civil society actors about trade issues and hearing everyone’s suggestions and concerns. Engaging more with civil society is a high priority for me as Trade Commissioner.”
In an effort to make TTIP negotiations more transparent and inclusive, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström reaches out to EU civil society groups to discuss current EU trade issues and the Commissioner’s priorities for her term in office. The discussion will focus on trade governance, transparency, and stakeholder engagement.
To register for this meeting and for more information, please click here.
Malmström: Only Minor Adjustments to ISDS in Trade Deal with Canada
In a meeting on Monday November 10 in Berlin, European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and Germany’s Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel that there will be only minor clarifications and adjustments with regards to ISDS in CETA. Contrary to previous statements, Gabriel insisted that “It will not be possible to take the dispute settlement procedure out of CETA. We are acting in a European context and must listen to the views of other countries.” (Euractiv)
EU Backs US Position on Turkey’s Inclusion to TTIP
In response to a statement by Turkey’s EU Minister Volkan Bozkır last week, saying that Turkey might freeze its Customs Union deal with the European Union if TTIP does not include Turkey, senior politicians from both sides of the Atlantic agreed that it is not the right time to talk about including Turkey in TTIP negotiations before it adopts certain economic reforms. (Hurriyet Daily News)
Recent Analysis
VIDEO: Brussels Briefing on Trade: All You Need to Know for November 10 – 24
In this Brussels Briefing on Trade, Trade Editor of EU Trade Insights Lénaïc Vaudin d’Imécourt provides an overview of the European Union’s most pressing trade issues, including the G20 Leaders’ Summit on November 15-16 in Brisbane, and the first Foreign Affairs Council on Trade chaired by Cecilia Malmström on November 21. (ViEuws)
Resetting TTIP: Three Points for Reflection
In her excellent analysis, Kathryn Hauser offers three reflection points to reset the direction of TTIP negotiations: According to Hauser, it would be beneficial for the negotiators to review the conclusions of the Williams Commission, recast TTIP as a joint transatlantic problem-solving exercise –not a traditional trade negotiation, and maintain a focus on the big picture and the things that matter. The future growth of the transatlantic marketplace, and indeed the leadership role of the U.S. and EU on international economic policy depend on the collective action of the USTR Michael Froman and the new EU trade commissioner, Cecilia Malmström. (Policy Connections International)
Irrational Fear Risks Depriving Europe of the Benefits of Trade
In her thought provoking opinion piece, Katinka Barysch, director of political relations of Allianz, unveils the underlying reasons for the growing opposition to TTIP in Germany: many Germans treat TTIP as a “pressure valve” to express several deeper underlying suspicions. This lets ill-defined fears overrule rational arguments in debates on TTIP, and leads to critics missing the bigger picture. Although the European Commission has addressed all of these problems, distrust in Brussels remains. The author now calls upon German politicians to address the underlying reasons and promote benefits of TTIP more openly. (Financial Times)
Free Trade is a Winner in Recent Elections
In his article in the Hill, Bryan Riley, Heritage Foundation’s Jay Van Andel Senior Policy Analyst in Trade Policy, points out the role that trade played in last week’s midterm elections. According to him, candidates who advocated free trade faired much better than their opposition which employed protectionist scare tactics. Hence, the outcome of the midterm elections showed clearly that Americans value free trade and see it as a priority for US policy. (The Hill)
For a complementing analysis on the new congress’ role for fast track trade authority, I would recommend an editorial in the Washington Post.
Obama Heads to Asia for APEC, ASEAN, EAS and the G-20
Miriam Sapiro, former Deputy US Trade Representative analyzes President Obama’s trip to Asia, stating that “this trip to Asia offers him an opportunity to play ball and bring home some needed wins.” The summits and other meetings do not only provide a moment to demonstrate US leadership and bipartisan support on security challenges but also offer the prospect of deepening economic integration, not just in Asia but also more broadly with Europe and other regions. In this light, she makes a strong case for a stronger push for the conclusion of TTIP from both the new Commission and European leaders, as well as the United States, if it is to succeed in boosting European economic recovery and further strengthening transatlantic bonds. (Brookings)
Upcoming Events
Launch of the Report “TTIP – Big Opportunities for Small Business” November 14 in Washington DC; hosted by the Atlantic Council
Featuring Congressman Erik Paulsen
Watch it live here.
To read the full report, please click here.
For more information or to RSVP, please click here.
Aid for e-Trade: Accelerating the Global e-Commerce Revolution – November 17 in Washington DC; hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies – More Information
S&D Conference: TTIP and Consumers. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly – November 18 in Brussels; hosted by the Group of the progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament – More Information
Enhancing TTIP: Reducing Regulatory Barriers – November 19-20 in Washington DC; hosted by George Washington University – More Information
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: SMEs Perspective – December 2 in Sofia, Bulgaria; hosted by American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria – More Information
Invitation: What Can the United States and Europe still Expect of One Another? December 12-14 in Loccum, Germany; hosted by the Atlantic Community – More Information