TTIP Action – June 16
McCarthy 2
After suffering a stinging rebuke from his fellow Democrats in the House, President Obama is relying on GOP leaders such as House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy to apply renewed pressure on Democrats in an effort to round up enough votes to move TPA forward. According to McCarthy, “The best option right now” would be for “the Democrats to come to their senses” and support the Trade Adjustment Assistance program, which would help workers hurt by a trade deal.

This Week in a Nutshell

As TPP negotiations come to a close, the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee has been actively discussing important TTIP amendments and WTO agreements.
Foreign diplomats and scholars alike have come forward with their support for transatlantic trade efforts stating that these partnerships pose no threat to democracy but rather work to deepen social and economic ties.

Speeches & Official Announcements

A Statement by the President on TPA and TAA

“I thank the bipartisan group of Representatives who came together on behalf of America’s workers, our businesses, and our economy. And I urge the House of Representatives to pass TAA as soon as possible, so I can sign them both, and give our workers and businesses even more wind at their backs to do what they do best.” – President Barack Obama
President Obama released a statement underlining the importance TPA would have in expanding workers’ rights, protecting the environment, and promoting a free and open internet. The President also emphasized the importance of TAA, which would give roughly 100,000 American workers access to vital support each year, urging the House of Representatives to pass TAA and TPA. (The White House)

The Upcoming INTA Meeting

Yesterday, the INTA Committee held a meeting discussing the possible extension of geographical indication protection of the EU to non-agricultural products, safeguarding the EU data protection standards, and the Trade and Investments Barriers Report, among other topics. For the audio of the meeting, click here. (European Parliament)

TPP: What You Need to Know About the Most Progressive Trade Agreement in History

“Trade has played an indispensable role in America’s resurgence from the Great Recession – accounting for nearly one-third of our overall economic growth since the end of the recession in mid-2009.”
The White House unveiled its new platform on trade, highlighting why and how the US trades, presenting the various actors who benefit from increased trade, and emphasizing the negative consequences of failing to trade. (The White House)


INTA Coordinators Move Forward on TTIP Resolution: Decide Fate of 116 Amendments on June 29

The European Parliament’s International Trade Committee will hold an extraordinary meeting on June 29 in Brussels to decide whether the 116 amendments tabled to Parliament’s draft recommendations to TTIP should be put to a vote by Parliament as a whole. This would enable MEPs to put the recommendations to a plenary vote at the July or September session, pending a decision by Parliament’s Conference of Presidents. (ViEUws)

Brussels Briefing on Trade: All you need to know for June 16 – 30

Parliament’s International Trade Committee met yesterday and today to discuss TTIP amendments, Marietje Schaake’s dual use goods draft report, and the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement, among other things. The WTO’s Dispute Settlement body will meet later this month, followed by European Trade Policy Day on June 23. (ViEUws)

The Trade Debate – Latest Developments

The WSJ’s Washington Wire has updated its Trade Debate page, tracking developments in Washington as Congress grapples on whether or not to grant President Obama TPA. The Trade Debate page provides a succession of glimpses at what’s happening behind important stories, noting this morning that House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and other GOP members have renewed pressure on House Democrats and that USTR Michael Froman has been trying to reassure trade allies since last Friday. (Wall Street Journal)

TTIP Action Partner

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Recent Analysis

TTIP Is Not The Threat to European Democracy That It is Portrayed As By Its Opponents

Robert Basedow, PhD candidate at London School of Economics, notes that TTIP has been wrongly criticised for potentially undermining European and American democracy. While concerns over the degree of regulatory cooperation are understandable, TTIP is unlikely to pose a substantial threat to national democracy or the ability of governments to pursue effective public policy-making if regulators stand their ground and civil society participates to balance out business lobbying. Moreover, a Euramerica survey found that, in relative terms, TTIP is the most transparent FTA in the record of the European Commission. (London School of Economics)

Rescuing the Free-Trade Deals

Lawrence Summers underlines that last week’s House vote, unless revisited, will reinforce global concerns about US reliability as an ally and strengthen the hands of companies overseas at the expense of US firms. Summers notes that rather than being a model for future trade agreements, the TPP debate should lead to careful reflection on the role of trade agreements in America’s international economic strategy, including aspects such as economic equity, environmental protection, worker migration, and financial stability. (Washington Post)

If Not Now, When?

Ambassador Joao Vale de Almeida, former EU Ambassador to the US, presents the economic and strategic foundations behind strengthening EU-US relations and underlines the need to conclude TTIP and deepen cooperation in resolving global problems. In order to facilitate this, the Ambassador emphasizes the need for Atlantic-friendly voices to participate more in the public debate. (Politico)

My Dad, JFK, Was for Free Trade. Democrats Today Should Be Too

Former US Ambassador to Japan and daughter of former US President John F. Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy underlines the importance of TPP, noting that the people of the Asia-Pacific region are eager for American involvement in various aspects of their lives. Ambassador Kennedy quotes her uncle, Senator Kennedy, noting that “We cannot turn our backs on progress or cast our votes against the future” and urging Congress to pass TPA in order to realize the economic and strategic benefits of TPP. (Politico)

Trade in Action

On Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Trade Adjustment Assistance: What You Need to Know

To remain the world’s most productive workforce, Americans will need to focus on job training resources that revitalize the US labor force. To date, the Trade Adjustment Assistance program has assisted over 2.2 million Americans learn relevant and in-demand skills for the evolving and globalized job market. The program is scheduled to expire September 2015 unless Congress can pull together to renew its efforts to provide Americans further employment opportunities. (The White House)

How TPA Could Make Trade Deals More Transparent

Transparency has been a key issue surrounding TPP and TTIP discussions. TPA will ideally deliver the legislative arm of US government the ability to oversee trade deals requested by executive officials. Although this may slow future trade negotiations, the approach allows for an open door approach which appeals to Congressmen and citizens alike. (The Fiscal Times )

Upcoming Events

TTIP: Chances and Risks for Developing Countries – June 18, hosted by the German Development Institute – More Information

European Trade Policy Day – June 23 in Brussels, hosted by the European Commission – More Information

Roundtable on the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – June 25 in Brussels, hosted by the European Ombudsman – More Information

Meeting of the TTIP Partnership Advisory Group – June 30 in Brussels, hosted by the European Commission- Find the meeting agenda here

UK National Road Shows – June to December in the United Kingdom, hosted by the British American Business – More Information

EU Digital Single Market Conference – July 16 in Washington, hosted by the Trans-Atlantic Business Council – More Information