Read more about TTIP and the global economy below.

Speeches and Official Announcements 

TTIP Round 6 to Start on July 14
The next round of negotiations is set to kick off on July 14 in Brussels. The sixth round is expected to focus on trade in services, regulatory issues, government procurement, and opportunities for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). There will be many opportunities for stakeholder engagement, and as with previous rounds, one day will be dedicated to meetings with civil society. There will also be press conferences, and the exact dates for both sets of meetings will be announced later.
See the full announcement here.

Remarks by Ambassador Froman at the State Department’s ‘Our Ocean’ Conference
Ambassador Froman spoke at a recent State Department conference on oceans and the environment to highlight the key role that TTIP and TPP will play in promoting enforceable environmental protections globally. Given the sheer size of the two agreements, representing about two-thirds of the global economy, the two deals provide important opportunities to advance international standards where trade and the environment intersect.
You can read Ambassador Froman’s remarks in their entirety here.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Camp’s Remarks at the Global Business Dialogue
This morning, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp underlined the need for Congress to pass Trade Promotion Authority to ensure an effective trade policy that advances the needs of American consumers and businesses. Without properly considering the role of Congress, US negotiators’ hands are tied, and the US simply cannot negotiate in good faith. Congressman Camp also emphasized the opportunities at hand across the Atlantic via TTIP, and insisted that the deal must be as all-inclusive and high-standard as possible in order to win the support of Congress.
You can see Chairman Camp’s speech in its entirety here.

US Ambassador to the EU Gardner Lays out Top Priorities
Today in Brussels, new US ambassador to the EU Anthony Luzzatto Gardner laid out his plans for the roughly three years left in his mandate. Namely, transatlantic cooperation on data privacy via Safe Harbor and the conclusion of a new Data Privacy and Protection Agreement, and securing the support of the European people and institutions for a robust and ambitious TTIP agreement. (US Mission to the EU)

TTIP Stakeholder Forum Survey
The Office of the USTR is conducting a survey of stakeholders who were able to participate in the last round’s civil society engagement forum to assess ways to increase and improve transparency as the TTIP talks move forward.
The survey is available here, and I encourage interested parties to participate.


WTO Warns of Creeping Protectionism
According to WTO analysis, G20 economies have introduced more trade restrictive measures in the past six months than new legislation to encourage trade. Given that a resistance to protectionist urges is credited with preventing the Great Recession from becoming much worse, this is a worrying trend. WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo used the study’s results as an opportunity to call for a rapid implementation of the organization’s trade facilitation deal reached last December in Bali, among other plurilateral deals like TTIP and TPP. (Financial Times)

EU Threat on Banking in US Trade Talks is Empty, Official Says
In response to the EU’s decision to remove market access in financial services from their initial TTIP services offer, US officials counter that the EU market is already relatively open and in any event the EU has committed to opening its markets further in other negotiations like the Trade in Services Agreement being negotiated in Geneva. The US Treasury Department is holding firm in its desire to keep financial regulatory cooperation outside of TTIP talks. (Reuters)

US Calls on Europe to Ease Limits on Gene-Altered Food
While in Europe, US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack called on the EU to do more to ease restrictions on genetically-modified foods and crops as TTIP moves forward. During talks with his counterpart, Dacian Ciolos, the EU’s commissioner for agriculture, other sensitive issues including the proper usage of geographic indications. Clearly, food policy and agricultural differences continue to be a major sticking point in negotiations. (New York Times)

EU, US Face Food Labelling Spat in TTIP Talks
As talks move forward, one key item to watch will be the definition of geographic indications, and whether the two sides can agree on their proper usage. European Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Ciolos explained yesterday in Brussels that the EU does not want to monopolize the use of so-called “generic” names for foods, but rather limit the use of their geographic adjectives unless the items were produced there. For example, Americans could make and sell “parmesan” cheese, but not “Parmigiano Reggiano.” (EurActiv)

Republican Gains in November May Boost Chances of US Trade Deals
As election polls indicate a rising chance of a Republican majority in both chambers of Congress, it looks likely that the US trade agenda will be one area of potential compromise between a conservative legislature and the Obama Administration. Republicans are more broadly in favor of both the TPP and TTIP agreements, as well as increased exports of natural gas, which has become increasingly important in recent months. (Reuters)

Recent Analysis

TTIP is a Land of Opportunity for Small Businesses
David Caro, president of the European Small Business Alliance, underscores the opportunities that TTIP can and should provide for small firms as they look to dramatically increase their exports to the US or EU, or even do business across the Atlantic for the first time. Tangible proposals like single export promotion websites and the elimination of tariffs and duties for the kinds of products that SMEs make would make it much easier for these companies to expand their international business, providing more choices and lower prices for consumers. Not to mention the huge job creation potential. (EurActiv)

A Win-Win-Win Solution for the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Adam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute, advocates for including China in the TPP negotiations as a way to pressure the country into needed reforms of its state-owned enterprises and environmental and labor protections, among other priorities. He advocates that it is better to negotiate with China now, even if the country is not yet ready to join the eventual pact immediately, rather than wait as China considers other options. Including China in TPP talks also has the potential to lessen tensions between the United States and China on security matters, as it would indicate an elevated level of trust and understanding between the two countries. (Peterson Institute for International Economics)

French Concerns over Geographical Indications will Hamper TTIP Talks
Recently, the battle over geographic indications has spilled over into the digital realm, as France’s Secretary of State for Digital Affairs has called on the Commission to retain Internet domain names like .vin and .wine for geographically-protected producers. (EurActiv)

Investor-State Disputes have put a Spanner in the Works for TTIP
Frederik Erixon, director of the European Centre for International Political Economy, argues that a reformed ISDS system is the best way to protect investors’ legitimate concerns. TTIP offers the chance to increase the legitimacy and transparency of the process, and this opportunity should not be missed. Of course, both the USTR and European Commission have a lot of work ahead of them to restore the political credibility of the ISDS system. (European Voice)

Upcoming News

Seminar: TTIP and Small Business in Europe – June 19 in Brussels; hosted jointly by the Society of European Affairs Professionals and the European Small Business Alliance – More information

Security In and Around Europe: A Discussion with H.E. Ursula von der Leyen, German Minister of Defense – June 19 in Washington; hosted by the Atlantic Council – More information

TTIP and the Investment Dimension: What is the State of Play? – June 24 in London; hosted by BritishAmerican Business – More information

TTIP One Year On: Consumers Mean Business – June 24 in Washington; hosted by the Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue – More information

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Asian Security – June 25 in Washington; hosted by the Atlantic Council – More information

Europe’s Wake-up Call: How to Reverse the Tide of Euroscepticism – June 25 in Washington; hosted by the SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations – More information

The Results of the European Parliament Elections and the EU Agenda for the Next 5 Years – July 8 in Brussels; hosted by the Martens Centre – More information

Round 6 of TTIP Negotiations – July 14-18 in Brussels