TTIP Action – June 4
Catherine A. Novelli
, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment at the US State Department, spoke in Brussels on Tuesday at the Lisbon Council

Speeches & Official Announcements

The Geopolitical Aspect of TTIP

“But what about other countries, particularly developing countries and our closest neighbors? How will they be affected? We will have a stronger economy in both the EU and the US. That will benefit our trading partners, near and far. We will bolster our energy security. And we will strengthen our hand when it comes to setting the rules of the game.” – Cecilia Malmström
Yesterday, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström spoke at the European Parliament as part of a TTIP seminar organized by the ALDE Group. Commissioner Malmström discussed the global dimensions of TTIP, focusing on three key issues: how TTIP supports the wider challenge of dealing with globalization, guaranteeing European security, and global economic growth. (European Commission)
Click here for a video of the entire seminar.

Growing the Trans-Atlantic Digital Economy

“A central goal of nearly all trade agreements, including TTIP, is to reduce or eliminate tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade. This includes for physical goods provided via the Internet as well as digitally provided services. What is also sometimes forgotten is how removal of these barriers helps small, innovative firms just getting started in the market.” – Catherine A. Novelli
On Tuesday, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Catherine A. Novelli of the US State Department delivered a speech at the Lisbon Council in Brussels on the importance of creating a open, secure, and seamless transatlantic digital economy. Under Secretary Novelli emphasized that TTIP can lower the barriers of market entry for technology and Internet start-up companies in Europe and the United States. (US Department of State)


European Parliament Political Groups Continue ISDS Negotiations ahead of Plenary TTIP Vote

Members of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats (S&D), the second largest group in the European Parliament, are locked in an intra-party battle over the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism in TTIP. Although a majority of the S&D group supports an amendment proposed by Bernd Lange, the chairman of the International Trade Committee, another group of S&D MEPs “oppose the inclusion of ISDS in TTIP” altogether.Chairman Bernd Lange and other “key” political groups will continue negotiations to find a compromise amendment on ISDS ahead of the plenary vote on a resolution scheduled for June 10. (viEUws)

Germany Rallies Reinforcement to Pitch for EU-U.S. Trade Deal

A group of European and US trade officials-including German Trade Minister Sigmar Gabriel, US Trade Representative Michael Froman, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, Chairman Bernd Lange of the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee-participated in a panel discussion in Berlin on Tuesday aimed at bolstering support for TTIP in a country where opposition to the deal is on the rise. Ambassador Froman agreed that negotiators must work to improve the controversial investor-to-state dispute settlement mechanism, but did not comment on the specifics of the proposal. (Reuters)

Brussels Briefing on Trade: All You Need to Know for June 1 – 16

On Wednesday June 10, all eyes will be turned to Strasbourg for a vote on the European Parliament’s recommendation to the Commission on TTIP. The International Trade Committee voted on the report by German Socialist MEP and Chairman of the Committee, Bernd Lange, last week. The vote saw MEPs agree to a compromised amendment which does not ask for the exclusion of the controversial ISDS mechanism from the talks. (viEUws)

TTIP Action Partner

Marsilli is a global manufacturing solutions provider of coil/motor winding and assembly systems for the automotive, appliance, industrial, consumer, and RFID electronics industries.

Recent Analysis

Matthias Fekl: ‘The EU should have its own arbitration court’
In an interview with Cécile Barbière from EurActiv France, France’s Minister of State for Foreign Trade, Matthias Fekl, explained his proposal to the European Commission for a system to replace the ISDS mechanism, a key sticking point in TTIP negotiations. France proposes the creation of an international dispute settlement court in several stages. As a first stage, Fekl recommends the creation of a European court to settle trade disputes, which he claims is the only way to avoid conflicts of interest that may arise in private tribunals. The United States strongly opposes such a system. (EurActiv)
The Consumer’s Guide to TTIP
The Centre for Policy Studies newsletter ” CAPX”‘s Murad Khan notes that Europe is currently lagging in growth and badly in need of a boost to trade. TTIP is a trade agreement designed to make trade easier and more beneficial. However, he points out that “the debate on TTIP has been both hijacked, and polarized by opposing political allegiances”. Khan notes that TTIP could increase the size of the EU economy around 120 billion euros (0.5% of GDP) and the US by 95 billion euros (0.4% of GDP). In order for that to happen, he suggests to “cut through the politics” and have a sensible and constructive debate on the benefits of TTIP for the consumer. (CAPX)
We Must Engage With TTIP, Or Else Risk Being Shut Out
Labour MEP Jude Kirton-Darling notes that TTIP presents a unique opportunity to regulate globalization and promote high regulatory standards and worker rights. In order to achieve these goals, he notes the importance of mobilization and of taking action to influence positively the direction of negotiations. The article also explains the role of the Parliament in TTIP negotiations; despite having only an advisory role throughout the process, TTIP will ultimately have to be adopted by the European Parliament. (LeftFootForward)

Upcoming Events

Can TTIP Protect European Creativity? – June 4 in Amsterdam, hosted by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe – More Information

TTIP: Chances and Risks for Developing Countries – June 18, hosted by the German Development Institute – More Information

European Trade Policy Day – June 23 in Brussels, hosted by the European Commission – More Information

Roundtable on the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – June 25 in Brussels, hosted by the European Ombudsman – More Information

UK National Road Shows – June to December in the United Kingdom, hosted by the British American Business – More Information

EU Digital Single Market Conference – July 16 in Washington, hosted by the Trans-Atlantic Business Council – More Information