TTIP Action | May 28
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The European Parliament in Strasbourg

Speeches & Official Announcements

TTIP: More US Market Access, Reform Investment Protection, Retain EU Standards

Members of the EP Trade Committee voted on draft recommendations to the negotiators of the EU-US trade deal on Thursday, approving them in committee by 28 votes to 13 with no abstentions. They noted that TTIP should deepen EU access to the US market without undermining EU standards or the right to regulate in the public interest. The recommendations included the need for a balanced deal, investment protection reform, determining an ‘exhaustive list’ of sensitive agricultural products, more access to US energy resources, non-negotiable data protection, and opening up US transport markets and public procurement. (European Parliament)

The Trade Committee text now needs to be endorsed by Parliament as a whole, in a plenary vote currently scheduled for June 10.

To read the draft report containing the European Parliament’s recommendations to the Commission on TTIP , click here.


TTIP Wins Key Panel Vote

The European Parliament’s Trade Committee passed a resolution backing TTIP today, including a deal on ISDS. This amendment settles to use the ISDS reform proposal recently pitched by Commissioner Malmström. However, this measure is only advice to the European Commission, as the Parliament only observes the negotiations. However, it is important for TTIP negotiations that the Parliament is in agreement with the Commission’s decision, since once TTIP is finally negotiated, it will need to pass the Parliament. (Politico)

Click here for a video of Antii Timonen, spokesperson of the EPP Group, discuss the International Trade Committee’s vote.

Free Trade Agreements Seen as Good for United States, but Concerns Persist

While there is currently broad public agreement that international free trade agreements are good for the United States, fewer Americans express positive views on the impact of trade deals on their personal finances and fear that free trade agreements lead to lower wages and job losses in the United States. However, a greater share of Americans note that trade agreements lead to economic growth than did so five years ago. The survey conducted by the Pew Research Center shows the urgent need for better promotion of the benefits of trade agreements such as TTIP and TPP for consumers, households, and small and medium enterprises by US authorities. (Pew Research Center)

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Marsilli is a global manufacturing solutions provider of coil/motor winding and assembly systems for the automotive, appliance, industrial, consumer, and RFID electronics industries.

Recent Analysis

Getting Legislatures on Both Sides of the Atlantic Engaged in TTIP

The German Marshall Fund published an interesting policy brief on how to engage legislatures from the EU and US in TTIP, noting that legislators both in Congress and the European Parliament need to engage in the public debate on TTIP and provide balanced information. Moreover, they should use their consultation and oversight provisions to shape negotiations and expand cooperation on TTIP, taking a stronger stance on transparency matters and addressing open and contentious questions between the US and EU. (German Marshall Fund)

Trade Promotion Authority will Rebuild United States Credibility

In light of the House of Representatives currently preparing to vote on a bill to establish trade promotion authority, US Congressman Paul Ryan, who serves as the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, writes a very interesting comment on the global significance of the outcome of the vote. According to him, if the House rejects TPA, it will announce to the world that America is unreliable. But if the House approves TPA, it will underscore America’s commitment to a successful negotiation and reassert America’s leading role in world affairs. (Fox News)

European Parliament’s Vote on TTIP Reinforces EU’s Commitment to Transparency and Democratic Principles

AmCham EU notes that the EP’s International Trade Committee draft report represents a significant positive step of support towards the trade deal between the EU and US, while reaffirming the EU’s commitment to transparency and democratic principles as key elements in trade negotiations. Since the beginning of the negotiations, the Commission has increasingly encouraged and promoted stakeholder participation and outreach at all levels including Member States; this has been critical in ensuring a balanced agreement that meets the needs of EU and US citizens alike. (AmChamEU)

TTIP: Viewpoint of the Trade Committee Chair

MEP Bernd Lange reassured EU citizens that EU policy makers will not compromise the interests of Europeans in TTIP agreements. In regards to agriculture, Lange explicitly states that EU priorities involve “strengthening regional structures” and maintaining “quality controls”. Lange also highlighted the benefits of TTIP’s trade compromises for European SMEs, whose business is often “hindered by foreign regulation and bureaucracy”. When presented with the questions involving energy and investor disputes, Lange answered with confidence that EU members would only benefit from TTIP implementation. (European Parliament)

The New Transatlantic Alliance for the 21st Century

Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group, notes that TTIP is a response to the new geopolitical challenges brought about by the global shift in power and wealth to Asia as well as the unpredicted threat to European security emerging in the Eastern and Southern neighborhood. A truly ambitious TTIP, according to Saryusz-Wolski, would provide an indispensible economic stimulus while strengthening the transatlantic bond and shaping globalization. (EPP Group)

How Trade Affects US Elections

Washington Post correspondent and Georgetown professor Eric Voeten notes that trade can affect elections, not because large majorities of Americans have strong views on trade policy, but rather because sizable numbers of Americans observe the way trade affects their personal or their community’s economic and social well-being. While this may not translate into immediate gains or losses for a candidate who supports or opposes a trade treaty, one must not think that trade policy has no electoral consequences simply because few Americans have strong policy views about it. (Washington Post)

Upcoming Events

TTIP and Health: Meet the Team Negotiating Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, and Cosmetics in TTIP | Stakeholder Meeting – May 27 in Brussels, hosted by the European Commission – More Information

How TTIP can Help your Business – May 27 in Savannah, GA, hosted by the World trade Center Savannah – More Information

The Digital Single Market: Implications for the Transatlantic Relationship with European Commission Vice President Andrus Ansip – May 28 in Washington, DC, hosted by the Brookings Institution – More Information

Can TTIP Be A Tool to Foster the Internationalization of European SMEs? – May 29 in Brussels, hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee – More Information

The Transatlantic Partnership – Selling out European Values or Building Block for Europe’s Future? – June 2 in Berlin, hosted by the Ministry of Economy and Energy – More Information

The Global Impact of TTIP: Geopolitics and Trade Politics – June 3 in Brussels, hosted by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe – More Information

Can TTIP Protect European Creativity? – June 4 in Amsterdam, hosted by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe – More Information

TTIP: Chances and Risks for Developing Countries – June 18, hosted by the German Development Institute – More Information

European Trade Policy Day – June 23 in Brussels, hosted by the European Commission – More Information

UK National Road Shows – June to December in the United Kingdom, hosted by the British American Business – More Information