TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Speeches & Official Announcements

House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Hearing on Trade Implications of US Energy Policy and the Export of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) highlighted several ways that the production of unconventional energy reserves in the form of shale gas will improve the United States’ economic outlook, position itself as a net energy exporter, and could potentially also improve energy security for Europe as the continent reduces its dependency on Russia. See the full statement here.


Bipartisan Members Launch TTIP Caucus
At last Thursday’s official launch of the Congressional Caucus on Transatlantic Trade and Investment, Congressmen William Keating (MA-09), Richard Neal (MA-01), Erik Paulsen (MN-03), and Todd Young (IN-09) showed their strong support for TTIP in their remarks, and highlighted the economic benefits that the completion of an agreement would have for their individual states. See individual statements by the congressmen here.

On Trade, Obama Faces a Tough Political Dance
Roll Call reports that getting labor unions on board with his trade agenda, should be one President Obama’s core objective if he is to see the successful completion of his ambitious trade agenda. Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, has complained that labor interests have not been adequately consulted during TPP negotiations. Therefore USTR organized a Public Interest Trade Advisory Committee, designed to address this criticism and ensure that labor has an appropriate voice at the table as the agreements are negotiated. (Roll Call)

Recent Analysis

Support in Principle for US-EU Trade Pact
The Pew Research Center released the results of its recent transatlantic opinion poll on TTIP on Wednesday which noted the majority support of the public in both the US (53%) and Germany (55%) think that expanded transatlantic trade and investment will be good for their countries. However, the report of the survey also demonstrate that the two sides diverge when it comes to the specifics of the agreement, with each side favoring its own regulations. (Pew Research Center)

Why Trade is a Big Deal for Small Business
The US Chamber of Commerce lists a number of small businesses that benefit from exports, and makes the argument that expanding trade opportunities for small businesses is vital for the US economy, considering that over 300,000 US companies are exporters, and over 98 percent of these are small businesses. (US Chamber)

New Process For Global Trade Agreements Would Help Indiana
Michael Ducker, president of FedEx Express International, writes that trade promotion authority and the passage of TTIP would benefit the state of Indiana. Expanded trade via the agreement has the potential to increasing the state’s exports to the European Union by 30 percent and would support an additional 13,000 new jobs. (IndyStar)

International Trade Will Promote Growth In Illinois
Illinois is another state that would benefit from the expansion of trade represented by TTIP. International trade supports about 1.6 million jobs in Illinois, with machinery multi-national companies like Caterpillar and Deere benefiting from expanded exports. Henrik Rasmussen argues that securing Trade Promotion Authority is a crucial step in ensuring these benefits come to fruition. (DailyHerald)

Pros And Cons Of Investors’ New Found Love For Europe
Gideon Rachman writes for the Financial Times that the return of Greece to the sovereign debt market is a good sign, but it is may be too soon for investors to pour money into the country just yet. Political problems in Greece and the structural issues of a common currency union without a true political union, should promote caution. (Financial Times)

Cementing Europe’s Recovery
Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz, writes in Project Syndicate that the Ukrainian crisis has been a catalyst for political cooperation between the United States and Europe. Negotiations on TTIP have been reinvigorated as well, with geopolitical ties between the US and EU adding additional credence to economic arguments. (Project Syndicate)

Upcoming Events

6th Annual Bertelsmann Foundation – Financial Times Conference – April 10, Washington DC (Live stream of the event available here)

The Future of Transatlantic Trade – Hosted by the Washington Post and European Voice at the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris, April 10More information

TTIP Stakeholder Forum – April 23, Washington, DC (More information)

A Transatlantic Pivot to Asia – May 1, Washington, DC More information