TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). 

Speeches & Official Announcements

A Conversation with Wolfgang Schäuble, German Federal Minister of Finance
On April 11, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble addressed the Council on Foreign Relations and emphasized that TTIP is the “most important transatlantic project for the foreseeable future.” He noted that in light of competition from emerging economies around the world, the transatlantic negotiations represent a welcome chance to reinvigorate the transatlantic relationship and ensure the future competitiveness of the United States and Europe.

See his full speech here. Video is available here.


EU Banking Union Gets Final Approval from MEPs
Last Tuesday, Members of the European Parliament voted to approve the agreement reached by Member States on the new Single-Resolution Mechanism. While many criticize the agreement as lacking the capability to deal with a 2008-level financial crisis, the agreement does ensure that banks’ creditors and shareholders will have to pay into a bail-out fund early on, rather than nation-states relying on their taxpayers to save financial institutions. (BBC)

Commerce Secretary Rajeev Kher Urges Industry to Adopt Global Standards Fast to Counter TPP, TTIP Impacts
Indian Commerce Secretary Rajeev Kher called on his government to upgrade their product safety standards that have been one of the main barriers to their exports. His urgent call comes in light of the two major mega-regional trade deals being negotiated in the form of TTIP and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which could leave one of the world’s fastest growing economies behind if it does not elevate its safety standards. (Economic Times)

Recent Analysis

The Transatlantic Economy 2014
Earlier this year, the Center for Transatlantic Relations at John Hopkins University in collaboration with the Trans-Atlantic Business Council and AmChamEU published a report documenting the level of economic integration between the United States and Europe. The report outlines the number of European-sourced jobs, trade and investment in each of the 50 US states, and US-sourced jobs, trade and investment in each member state of the European Union and other European countries. See the full report here.

Why TTIP Matters for Business
European business advocacy association BusinessEurope released a report yesterday highlighting the benefits that a comprehensive TTIP agreement would have for European businesses and consumers in several key areas like price and cost competitiveness, ease of doing business, promoting high standards, innovation, and several more. See the full report here.

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Benefits and Challenges of an Agreement Fit for the 21st Century
The European Union Delegation to the United States recently released an excellent analytical piece outlining the most important sectors that are being negotiated, and what is at stake if the talks succeed or fail. See the brochure here.

US-EU Trade Deal Could Help Launch a New Era of Manufacturing
Jay Timmons, CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers, writes for Forbes that eliminating tariffs altogether could boost US and EU exports each by 17 percent, and just a 25 percent reduction in regulatory and standards differences and nontariff barriers could increase combined GDP by an estimated $106 billion. Both of these measures combined would also spur significant job creation on both sides of the Atlantic. (Forbes)

Upcoming Events

TTIP Stakeholder Forum – April 23, Washington, DCMore information

Toward A Europe Whole and Free Conference – April 29, Washington, DC at the Atlantic CouncilMore information

Atlantic Council hosts Thomas Enders, CEO, Airbus Group for a talk on TTIP and Transatlantic Security – April 30, Washington, DC More information

A Transatlantic Pivot to Asia – May 1, Washington, DCMore information

The UVA Mortimer Caplin Conference on The World Economy – May 1, Edinburgh, UKMore Information

Stakeholder Meeting On Investment Protection In The TTIP – May 13, Brussels, BelgiumMore information