TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
International Financial Regulation in the Post-Crisis Era
The Atlantic Council is proudly co-hosting an important event on the future of international financial regulation in cooperation with Georgetown Law today in Washington, DC.
This event will feature commentary from leading scholars and practitioners in the field of international financial regulation, as well as officials from the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the US Department of the Treasury. The conference features a keynote address at 12:00 noon by Howard Shelanski, administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, as well as remarks by Ambassador C. Boyden Gray, former US Ambassador to the European Union and Tim Greif, the general counsel of USTR. All will emphasize the potentially transformative role that TTIP can play in coordinating international rules and regulations in financial policy and beyond.
Check out the agenda here, and if you can make it to Georgetown Law at some point today, we would be glad to see you.
Speeches & Official Announcements
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Caucus Launch
The Atlantic Council, Bertelsmann Foundation, the British Embassy in Washington, and the German Marshall Fund hosted a reception on Capitol Hill last Thursday to honor the formation of a new Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Caucus. The bipartisan caucus, chaired by Congressman Bill Keating (D-MA), Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA), Congressman Erik Paulsen (R-MN), and Congressman Todd Young (R-IN), brought together key stakeholders in both the United States and European Union to discuss the benefits of TTIP. (See event summary here)
Rep. Paulsen, Others to Launch TTIP Caucus; Report Says US, EU Investment Drives Trade
At a panel discussion hosted by the John Hopkins University’s Center for Transatlantic Relations, Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minn) looked forward to the TTIP Caucus Launch, and predicted that the number of caucus members would “double in a short period of time” as members of Congress become more educated about the benefits of TTIP on a state and district level. (Center for Transatlantic Relations)
Merkel Stresses Significance of a Trans-Atlantic Free-Trade Deal
German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaking at a trade fair in Hannover, Germany said that given the strong ties in values between the two regions, the unsuccessful conclusion of a free trade deal between the European Union and the United States would be a “paradox of history”. She also acknowledged that there were differences in standards across sectors, but said that both sides should work to find common ground. (Wall Street Journal)
Recent Analysis
US Chamber President Calls for Stronger Transatlantic Relationship in Visit to Europe
Speaking at Hannover Messe, the world’s largest trade and industry fair, US Chamber President and CEO Tom Donohue called on leaders in both Europe and the United States to ramp up their efforts toward completing a deal on TTIP. He emphasized the importance of TTIP for setting the standards in the 21st century on global trade and investment “before others will.” (US Chamber)
America Needs a Pivot to Europe
Clemens Wergin for the New York Times writes that in light of the financial crisis on both sides of the Atlantic and the bold movements of the Russians, concluding TTIP is a strategic imperative. (New York Times)
The US Is Still Indispensable When It Comes To Free Trade
David Ignatius of the Washington Post argues that the economic weight of the United States gives it immense bargaining power in its trade negotiations. The addition of Canada, Mexico, and Japan to the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, plus the combined economic heft of the US and EU mean these two agreements are pivotal for defining the terms of future trade. (Washington Post)
Mario Draghi’s ‘Whatever It Takes’ May Not Be Enough For The Euro
The European Central Bank’s intervention in the Euro crisis at its height in 2012 has calmed investor fears, however the Financial Times argues that the policy changes made to date have only bought time, and the Eurozone still faces deeper political and economic issues which remain unaddressed. (Financial Times)
AmCham EU Releases its Comprehensive TTIP Position Paper
On the occasion of the US-EU Summit, AmChamEU released its position paper on TTIP which reiterates that the organization’s support for a comprehensive and ambitious TTIP agreement remains strong, and that much more needs to be done to remove or reduce barriers to trade in goods and services. They also emphasized that TTIP presents an opportunity to promote “growth-oriented investment.” See the full position paper here.
AmCham EU’s Transatlantic Conference – TTIP Revealed: Fact and Fiction
On March 27, AmChamEU hosted the Transatlantic Economy 2014 summit, which featured representatives from 26 national American Chambers of Commerce, and also included keynote addresses by Marc Vanheukelen, head of cabinet for Commissioner Karel de Gucht and Ambassador Michael Punke, deputy United States trade representative were moderated by Hendrik Bourgeois, Chair, AmCham EU. See full summary of the summit here.
Upcoming Events
Rep. Sander Levin on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and US Economic Competitiveness – April 9, Washington, DC — More information
Breakfast Debate – Investment Protection and Investor-State Dispute Settlement- Let’s look at the facts! – April 9, Brussels – Register here
The Future of Transatlantic Trade – Hosted by the Washington Post and European Voice at the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris, April 10 – More information
Dodd-Frank’s Missed Opportunity: A Road Map for a More Effective Regulatory Architecture – Washington, DC, April 10 – More information
Update on TPP: The End-Game Dynamics Explained – April 10, Washington, DC (More information)
A Transatlantic Pivot to Asia – Washington, DC, May 1 – More information