TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Speeches & Official Announcements
Senator Marco Rubio in London to Deliver Transatlantic Trade Speech | BizPac Review
As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is meeting with senior British government officials to discuss the future of transatlantic relations, notably trade issues and TTIP. His speech, “American Leadership and the Future of the Transatlantic Alliance,” will be delivered at an event hosted by Chatham House and the Legatum Institute.
Report Estimates 7,000 New Kansas Jobs if Free Trade Pact OK’d | CJ Online
Citing the Atlantic Council’s recent TTIP and the Fifty States: Jobs and Growth from Coast to Coast report, political and economic leaders from the US state of Kansas highlighted the many potential benefits that an agreement could bring the state. Namely, Kansas’ exports to the EU would increase by 23.4 percent, and approximately 7,020 new jobs would be directly related to increased transatlantic trade and investment.
VW Chief Wants Free-Trade Deal Between USA and EU | Auto Car
Volkswagen of America president and CEO Jonathan Browning explains that a comprehensive free trade agreement would encourage freer movement of vehicles between the US and global markets. Citing Mexico as an example, Browning argued that the US’s southern neighbor has been able to use bilateral and multilateral agreements to their advantage in creating a motor vehicle production hub, and the US is missing out on the opportunity by not pursuing similar agreements. Moreover, the opportunity to streamline or mutually recognize equivalent safety and environmental standards should not be missed.
Recent Analysis
Time to Give Trade Policy a Digital Upgrade | Wall Street Journal
US Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) And John Thune (R-ID) are urging officials at USTR to secure trade rules that promote and preserve a global, open Internet. Given that trade in digital goods and services is driving global innovation and economic growth, accounting for $356 billion in exports in 2011, TTIP represents an opportunity to protect America’s digital economy from protectionist impulses abroad.
A UK-EU Divorce: Bad News for America | National Interest
The US has long held the belief that a strong United Kingdom at the heart of the European Union was an advantage for both the United States and Europe. Now, just as the two sides are negotiating an historic transatlantic trade and investment agreement, Britain seems to be getting cold feet about its membership in the EU. A British exit would be disadvantageous for all involved, not least Britain itself.
Economic Consequences of a Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement for Asia | 4-Traders
The Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Thieß Petersen recommends that TTIP should strive include the US and EU’s traditional trading partners in the negotiations, or at least provide an early opportunity to gain entry into the agreement at a later date in order to avoid negative economic repercussions in periphery countries.
Upcoming Events
Third Round of TTIP Negotiations in Washington – December 16-20
Stock Taking Exercise between EU Commissioner Karel de Gucht and USTR Michael Froman – January 2014
Employment Opportunities
Assistant Director, Transatlantic Relations, Atlantic Council.