TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Speeches & Official Announcements

US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker Announces Next Phase of the National Export Initiative — NEI/NEXT
US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker announced a new initiative that the Commerce Department plans to roll out, which they are calling NEI NEXT. The initiative is a customer-driven database that will ensure that more US companies have access to additional export markets around the globe, and can receive the financing they need to invest and create jobs. (

To see video feed of her announcement, and her interview with The Atlantic, click here.

On the Occasion of Europe Day
Secretary of State John Kerry kicked off celebrations on May 9 of Europe Day, commemorating the creation of the European Community sixty-four years ago, reaffirming the Obama Administration’s commitment to transatlantic partnership broadly, and TTIP and NATO in particular. (See full speech here)


US Ambassador Anthony L. Gardner Debunks the TTIP Myths
United States Ambassador to the European Union Anthony Gardner sat down for an interview with viEUws, and discussed the myths and misperceptions about TTIP that have made headlines recently in Europe, including investor-state dispute settlement provisions, and transatlantic agricultural disputes. See the full interview here.

Do You Use Trade And Tariff Data? – Tariff and Trade Data Survey
The US International Trade Commission (USITC) is exploring the types of trade and tariff data that the trade community wants and how users prefer to get it. The USITC is conducting a survey in order to gauge methods to improve the quality of data that it produces for companies and consumers. Click here to see their survey.

Recent Analysis

‘Thorny’ CETA Issues to Be Tackled In Coming Weeks: EU Trade Chief
The European Union and Canada were due to have completed the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) by early this month. However, even days after the notional deadline passed, both parties were wrangling over technical details. Issues that are still on the table include: financial services, investment protection, maritime services, intellectual property rights and tariff quota management for beef and pork imports. The ultimate deal will be instructive when considering the eventual compromises TTIP will comprise. (Embassy News Canada)

Alstom Highlights Perceptions of Transatlantic Investment
Guillaume Xavier-Bender of the German Marshall Fund uses the case of General Electric’s efforts to acquire the French energy giant Alstom, and its public relations efforts to assuage the French government about its ultimate intentions, to illustrate that there are still significant barriers to investment, which TTIP should help define and help resolve. (GMF Blog)

The Transatlantic Treaty Enters into the European Electoral Campaign
Le Monde reports that the French Communist Party has made its opposition to TTIP a key part of their election campaign ahead of the European Parliament elections due later this month. Some political voices in France have called for increased transparency in the negotiations and even potentially a national referendum on TTIP. (Original article in French here)

Don’t Be Afraid Of US-EU Free Trade: Column
Former German Vice Chancellor and Economic Minister Philipp Rösler of USA Today argues that despite the disagreements over some regulatory issues, the principle of mutual recognition in TTIP would not force the United States and the European Union to harmonize their regulations completely. Where safety outcomes are equivalent, Rösler calls for both the US and EU to mutually accept each other’s regulatory standards as sufficient instead of duplicating regulatory processes. (USA Today)

Upcoming Events

Stakeholder Meeting On Investment Protection In TTIP – May 13, Brussels – More Information

France in an Age of Geopolitical Upheaval with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius – May 13, Washington – More Information

Transatlantic Privacy Update: US vs. EU Privacy Regulations: A Comparison – May 14, New York – More Information

The Politics of Global Trade – May 14, Washington DC – More Information

The EU, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean: A View from Rome with Foreign Minister Mogherini – May 14, Washington – More Information

TTIP in Light of Turkish Trade Policy and Economic Relations with the US with Turkish Economy Minister Zeybekci – May 15, Washington – More Information

TTIP Town Hall: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and What It Means for Texas – May 16, Dallas, Texas – More information

oriGIn meeting in Washington, DC on “The TTIP: Expectations of GI producers from the two sides of the Atlantic” – May 20, Washington – More Information

Fifth Round of TTIP Negotiations – Washington DC – May 19-23, Washington, DC

Global Trade: A Trade System for the 21st Century – June 9-10, Chatham House, London – More information