TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Speeches & Official Announcements

Obama Looks to Move Past Debt as Italian Leader Visits | Bloomberg
President Obama will hold a discussion with Italian Prime Minister Letta today on promoting economic and job growth through a successful and ambitious TTIP agreement.

European Parliament President Speaks at American Chamber of Commerce to the EU | Europa
European Parliament President Martin Schultz showed confidence in the ongoing TTIP discussions, stating that negotiations between the EU and US are in many ways significantly easier than political negotiations within either region. Noting that we live in an increasingly multipolar world, the importance of a transatlantic trade agreement is paramount.


EU, Canada Set to Conclude Free-Trade Deal | Global Post
After four years of negotiations, the EU and Canada seem set to conclude the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) this Friday, as Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper visits Brussels. Many observers see CETA it as a model for what a finalized US-EU agreement could eventually look like.

US Plastics Talks Up Transatlantic Trade Deal | PRW
Leaders of the plastics industry in Europe and the US briefed members of European Parliament about the benefits of a transatlantic free trade agreement. While lowering the traditional barriers to market entry would benefit the plastics industry greatly, industry members “are very focused on the millions of dollars that can be saved by achieving regulatory coherence.”

Recent Analysis

TPP, TTIP, and Getting America’s Competitiveness Back on Track | Democracy Arsenal
Over the past decade, many signals have indicated a drop in American economic competitiveness. Foreign policy strategists need to acknowledge that economic concerns are starting to drive decisions more than ever before. TTIP and TPP would be key steps for the US to return to true form.

Love Blooms Across the Atlantic | White House Chronicle
Both European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have made strengthening Atlantic ties a key priority, and British Prime Minister David Cameron sees TTIP as an olive branch that may soothe the anti-Europe forces in his own Conservative Party and across Britain.

European Parliament Hearing on TTIP Regulatory Reform | Atlantic Council
Following testimonies before the European Parliament on the regulatory aspects of TTIP, there is agreement between policy experts and key stakeholders on the goals of reform: harmonization, mutual recognition, and convergence of existing and future regulations. Acknowledging concerns about a lack of transparency in the negotiating process and a concern about decreasing standards and protections, the European Commission’s chief TTIP negotiator assured that regulatory coordination and cooperation does not imply a race to the bottom.

Banks Need a Level Playing Field from International Regulators | The Telegraph
Sir Nigel Wicks, chairman of the British Bankers’ Association, writes that transatlantic divergences in financial regulation pose significant challenges for banks, and also impose higher costs of complying with the different rules increase the cost of financial products for businesses and customers. There is great potential for TTIP to encourage greater convergence between US and European regulators by focusing on ensuring that regulations deliver similar outcomes for banks and their clients on either side of the Atlantic.

Upcoming Events

Thursday October 24, 2013 – BDI will host a conference in Berlin on the Opportunities and Challenges of TTIP. Click here to register.
Tuesday October 29, 2013 – Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue 14th Annual Meeting – TTIP: Can It Bring Benefits to the People? Click here to register.
Third Round of TTIP Negotiations in Washington, DC – Scheduled for December 2013

Employment Opportunities

Senior Trade Policy Advisor, British Embassy Washington
Assistant Director, Transatlantic Relations, Atlantic Council