On April 29, the Atlantic Council hosted the President of Bulgaria, Rosen Plevneliev, for a private dinner.

Bulgaria is an important NATO ally and partner in the European Union. It plays an important role in the politics, economic development and security of southeast Europe and the Balkans. Parliamentary elections take place in Bulgaria on May 12 following the resignation of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov’s government in February. This dinner discussion provided an opportunity to hear from the country’s president on relations with the United States and Europe, regional issues, and Bulgaria’s domestic scene.

President Plevneliev took office in January 2012, pledging to bolster the government’s attempt to undertake difficult economic reforms. Prior to his current position, he served as regional development minister and was lauded for pushing through several large-scale infrastructure projects.

The dinner was graciously hosted by Atlantic Council Board Director the Honorable Julie Finley.