On November 21, 2016, the Atlantic Council’s Future Europe Initiative hosted a private roundtable with transatlantic officials and thought leaders to discuss the role of Central Europe in the Euro-Atlantic community and the region’s relationship with the United States. This event accompanied the release of “Broken Embraces: Is Central Europe Falling Out of Love with the West,” authored by Atlantic Council Senior Fellow Jeff Gedmin and Deputy Director Simona Kordosova Lightfoot, who offered their perspectives on how transatlantic policy recommendations can bolster effective cooperation between the United States and Central European countries.
This publication is a part of the Future Europe Initiative’s Spotlight Series, which focuses on countries or regions that are central to reanimating the vision for a strong Europe and to ensuring an effective transatlantic partnership. Through policy papers written by transatlantic co-authors, the Spotlight Series aims to bolster the US bilateral relationships that are key drivers of transatlanticunity, peace, and prosperity. This series is part of a broader Atlantic Council effort to galvanize the leadership and strategies that will promote a strong, stable, and competitive Europe allied to the United States.
Image: Simona Kordosova Lightfoot, deputy director of the Atlantic Council’s Future Europe Initiative, offers insights on possibilities for US and Central European cooperation.