On June 29, European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström addressed the prospects of TTIP, with emphasis on the impacts of the June 23 Brexit vote. Following her remarks, she participated in a panel discussion with Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO and Laura Lane, president of global public affairs at UPS. The panel was moderated by Joe Schatz, editor of POLITICO Pro’s Europe brief. Before the public discussion, Malmström attended a private lunch with public and private sector leaders from the US and Europe.
• Malmström emphasized that the European Union (EU) remains committed to completing TTIP by the end of President Obama’s term.
• Malmström went into detail about the EU’s negotiating aims and made the case that TTIP is a new type of 21st century trade deal.
• Malmström and Lane expressed the need for the United States and the EU to take leadership on global trade and set global standards.
• The panel also discussed some of the more controversial elements of TTIP, such as a new Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism
• In the private event, the participants discussed the timeline of negotiations and the agreement’s prospects in the current political environments in the EU and US.
See the full text of Malmström’s remarks: http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2016/june/tradoc_154698.pdf