On April 9, the Atlantic Council held a public address and conversation with Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Norton Schwartz.

Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe provided the introduction. Barry Pavel, director of the Council’s Program on International Security moderated the discussion.

In his remarks, General Schwartz discussed the new strategic guidance, released a few months ago from the Department of Defense, which described a pivot to Asia for the United States in terms of resources and focus. Schwartz noted that while the United States has strategic and economic incentives to shift attention to the Indo- and Asia-Pacific regions, the Middle East and South Asia will remain an area of significant US interest and attention. However, the United States will also continue to foster an even deeper partnership with its transatlantic allies in order to increase the total capacity and quality of alliance forces.

General Schwartz particularly stressed the value of building personal relationships among the military leadership of international partner countries. Through cooperative, multilateral training, education, and operational exercises, the United States Air Force will continue to deepen relationships among the United States and its global partners.


The Commanders Series is generously supported by Saab North America.

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