“The U.S. and Ukrainian governments have made considerable progress on implementing the April 4, 2005 joint statement agreed by Presidents Bush and Yushchenko, according to an assessment released today by the Foreign Policy and National Security Task Force of the non-governmental U.S.-Ukraine Policy Dialogue
.” [Press Release – full text]

Event Summary
“Ukraine on its Way to Europe” (coming soon)
Task Force Paper
Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Ambitions: Building an Effective Policy Coordination Process
This report analyzes the Ukrainian decision-making and policy coordination structures for Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration policies. It describes the current challenges and presents clear-cut policy recommendations to improve Ukrainian interagency coordination at all levels of government.
[English version] [Ukrainian version] [German version] By Steven Pifer with F. Stephen Larrabee, Jan Neutze, and Jeffrey SimonListen to the entire event (coming soon). The Washington Diplomat
Article: New Ukrainian Ambassador Assesses Challenges Ahead, by Anna Gawel
February 8, 2006
Voice of America (Ukrainian Edition)
Oleh Shamshur’s Debut in Washington(in Ukrainian)
February 8, 2006
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (Ukraine)
On the Atlantic Council event with Oleh Shamshur (in Ukrainian)
The Atlantic Council serves as one of four working groups within the U.S.-Ukraine Policy Dialoguewhich is sponsored by the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation. This project brings together Ukrainian and U.S. think tanks to work on issues facing Ukraine during its ongoing transition to democracy.
As the working group responsible for “Foreign and National Security Policy,” the Atlantic Council – together with its Ukrainian partner, the Razumkov Center – organized a series of expert meetings both in Washington, DC and in Kyiv, Ukraine. These meetings are intended to produce a set of policy recommendations in the field of foreign and national security policy which will be presented to both the U.S. administration and the government of President Yushchenko.
Foreign Policy & National Security Recommendations
June 2005 http://www.usukraine.org/gov_action_plan_June05.pdf November 2005 http://www.usukraine.org/fp_action_plan_Nov05.pdf
U.S.-Ukraine Policy Dialogue
Media Coverage:
February 16, 2006
Media Coverage
June 15, 2006
The Kyiv Post
Article: Ukrainians are not that easily fooled, By Walter Parchomenko, Ph.D., Non-Resident Senior Fellow
The Kyiv Post
Article: Ukraine at a turning point, again, By Walter Parchomenko, Ph.D., Non-Resident Senior Fellow