On February 27, 2013, the Atlantic Council’s Energy and Environment Program hosted an event with a presentation by Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy, and Environment Katherine Hammack and a discussion with key staff members.
PowerPoint Presentations (PDF)
The United States Army has embarked on an ambitious program to manage its installations not only on a net zero energy basis, but on a net zero water and waste basis as well. With the reelection of President Obama, the Army will have several more years to accomplish these goals. The Atlantic Council’s Energy and Environment Program invites you to hear first hand from Ms. Katherine Hammack about the evolution of the Army’s Net Zero Program.
A presentation by
Katherine Hammack
Assistant Secretary for Installations, Energy, and Environment
US Army
A discussion with
Richard G. Kidd
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy and Sustainability
US Army
Marc Kodack
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Energy and Sustainability
US Army
Introduction by
Gen. Richard L. Lawson, USAF (ret.)
Vice Chairman
Atlantic Council
Moderated by
John Lyman
Director, Energy and Environment Program
Atlantic Council
Media Mentions
- Net Zero progress report due by end of 2013 – J.D. Leipold, Army News Service