The third meeting in the Atlantic Council’s series on the Energy Water Nexus, the June 19th workshop entitled “Water and Watts” addressed the potential to save energy and water in the municipal, industrial, and commercial sectors.

The workshop provided an opportunity to exchange ideas and build consensus on the necessity of addressing the ongoing energy water nexus policy, technology, and management impacts on water consuming sectors. Participants were briefed by both sides of the aisle and houses of Congress on legislative priorities; discovered how the agriculture, energy and water sectors can mutually benefit from integrated energy-water nexus solutions; discussed the barriers and opportunities for innovative financing of water infrastructure upgrades; addressed how standards, codes and regulations can be harnessed to improve energy and water efficiencies; examined how to build successful public acceptance and outreach efforts; and heard firsthand how the Army is addressing the nexus at its installations worldwide.

“Water and Watts” featured a wide array of thought leaders and expert speakers and participants. The participants came from Congress, industry, technological innovators, corporations, utilities, US and state government agencies, national laboratories, regulatory bodies, academia, associations and the non-profit community.