Workshop on Unconventional Oil And Gas Exploration, Development And Safety

The Atlantic Council and Goldwyn Global Strategies hosted the workshop “Unconventional Oil And Gas Exploration, Development And Safety: A Deep Dive Into The Science, Technology And Best Practices” on December 6-7 in Brussels, Belgium which centered on best practices and smart regulation of the shale gas exploration and production. This workshop aimed at informing regulators on the practices and techniques regulators utilize in comparative jurisdictions to safely regulate unconventional gas resources. The workshop was of a technical nature, appropriate for regulators and parliamentarians, with sessions led by distinguished academic experts and regulators in the fields of unconventional drilling, water management and unconventional extraction regulation. 


The two day master class with sessions led by a knowledgeable and well-rounded group of individuals and topics focused on issues ranging from geological characteristics of shale plays, water usage and chemicals, to the impact on communities and the use of aquifers. 

Crowne Plaza Brussels – Le Palace
Rue Gineste 3,
B-1210 Brussels, Belgium


David L. Goldwyn 
President, Goldwyn Global Strategies, LLC
John R. Lyman
Director, Energy and Environment Program, Atlantic Council


Geological Characteristics of Shale Plays: Why the Rocks Matter – Richard Davies,Director of Durham Energy Institute, Durham University

A Regulator’s Perspective on Sector Management – George Eynon, Board Member, Energy Resources Conservation Board

Best Practices in Exploration: Drilling, Casing, and Cementing – William Fleckenstein, Adjunct Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

Best Practices in Hydraulic FracturingWilliam Fleckenstein, Adjunct Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

Impact on Communities – David Yoxtheimer, Extension Associate, Pennsylvania State University, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research

Water Usage and Sourcing– David Yoxtheimer, Extension Associate, Pennsylvania State University, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research

Produced and Flowback Water – David Yoxtheimer, Extension Associate, Pennsylvania State University, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research

Aquifers – David Yoxtheimer, Extension Associate, Pennsylvania State University, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research

Related Experts: John R. Lyman

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