By: Franklin D. Kramer
What is the kernel of the issue?
China presents multiple challenges for the United States and its transatlantic allies and partners. Many of these challenges cut across sectors, with economic decisions having implications for human rights, technology and trade affecting security, and so on. However, existing arenas for transatlantic coordination on these issues such as NATO or through US coordination with the EU as a bloc do not each cover policy for all sectors and depending on the grouping can leave certain states out of discussions.
Why is the issue important?
China’s rise has implications for countries on both sides of the Atlantic, and policy decisions in one area will have dramatic implications for others in the transatlantic space. In order to counter Chinese efforts harmful to the transatlantic nations, more effective policy coordination is needed to create comprehensive approaches.
What is the recommendation?
The United States should call for the creation of a “Transatlantic Coordinating Council on China” as the central forum for discussion and coordination among relevant players on the multiple issues that China presents. Such a forum would include the member nations of both the EU and NATO as well as the EU and NATO as entities. The establishment of a “Transatlantic Coordinating Council on China” would allow decision making that takes into account the full scope of the issues that China presents, including when decisions in one arena have ramifications for another.