Serbia witnessed a tumultuous end to 2023, with protests erupting in Belgrade following the December 17th elections. Thousands demand the annulment, alleging President Vučić’s Progressive Party fabricated results through cross-border voting. Despite claiming a “cleanest and most honest” victory, international observers have condemned widespread fraud and manipulation. The West, has been criticized for turning a blind eye to Vučić’s actions. But with renewed protests and whispers of regional conflict, will the honeymoon end?

Nonresident Senior Fellow Ilva Tare speaks to Rasa Nedeljkov, Program Director of the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability which has monitored closely the election with particular focus on the capital, Belgrade. 

International observers have condemned the irregularities, while Brussels and Washington demand a response from the government. What role can the international community play in mitigating these tensions? How should the West engage moving forward? Were the alleged manipulations significant enough to alter the outcome? If a rerun were to occur, particularly in Belgrade, could a different outcome be anticipated?



#BalkansDebrief is an online interview series presented by the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center and hosted by journalist Ilva Tare. The program offers a fresh look at the Western Balkans and examines the region’s people, culture, challenges, and opportunities.

Watch #BalkansDebrief on YouTube and listen to it as a Podcast.


The Europe Center promotes leadership, strategies, and analysis to ensure a strong, ambitious, and forward-looking transatlantic relationship.

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