US Climate Policy Prior to COP22

A conversation with:
Jonathan Pershing
Special Envoy for Climate Change
US Department of State

Moderated by:
Coral Davenport
The New York Times

Introduced by:
Ambassador Richard Morningstar
Founding Director and Chairman, Global Energy Center
Atlantic Council

The Paris Agreement enters into force thirty days after it reaches a signing threshold of fifty-five countries amounting to 55 percent of global emissions. On October 5, 2016, the European Parliament approved the European Union’s ratification of the Paris Agreement, exceeding the 55 percent emissions threshold. The Paris Agreement will enter into force on November 4, 2016, only days before the twenty-second Conference of Parties, or COP22, in Marrakech, Morocco. In light of the recent ratification, COP22 will not only reflect the existing climate policy agenda, it will be  the first historic meeting of the agreement’s signatories. US Special Envoy for Climate Change Jonathan Pershing will attend this historic conference to help set the agenda for implementation of the goals set by the signatories. Prior to his departure to Marrakech, he will join us for a timely discussion on US climate policy priorities at COP22.

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Atlantic Council
1030 15th Street NW, 12th Floor (West Tower Elevator) 
Washington, DC 

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